Incompetence and political fear have played a role in the Benghazi Cover-up Time for that to end.

<<<<  Benghazi is far worse a scandal than Watergate,  and a president was successfully impeached because of that incident.  

In an article found in the Washington Post on May 6,  a Pentagon spokesman defend its “stand down” policy in this comment:    “We have repeatedly stated that while Department officials started taking action immediately after learning that an attack was underway at the American facility there, our forces were unable to reach it in time to intervene to stop the attacks,” [Pentagon spokesman George Little in an e-mail Monday night].

Leon Panetta has added to this defense the assertion that since “we” didn’t know what the conditions were,  at the death scene,  “we couldn’t send more troops into harms way”  [or words to that effect].

Congressman Jason Chaffetz,  a one time Democrat and co-chair for the Dukakis presidential campaign and now Republican Rep from Utah,  gives us this timely retort,  however,  “The White House and the Pentagon have allowed us to believe that there were no military options on the table.  The model of the military is to leave no person behind, and it’s stunning and unacceptable to think we had military willing and ready to go and the Pentagon told them to stand down. That’s just not the American way.”

We have already heard testimony to the fact that a 40 member special ops unit,  staged in Italy,  could have been at the  Benghazi scene two hours before the final [mortar] attack that killed the remaining two Navy Seals perched on top of a safe house,  armed with a 50 caliper machine gun. 

Regardless of your position on this matter,  the fact that our people were screaming for help for seven freaking hours  with no response whatsoever,  with no effort to save them,  is criminal to its core and telling as to the moral fiber of  Obama,  his commanders who refuse to stand up against this clown,  and Hillary Clinton,  who over-saw a State Department run on “remote control.”  I say “remote control” because this woman claims innocence as to the Benghazi murders and the several requests for help, at the moment of the crisis and in the months before.  She is without blame because she  “didn’t know,”  nor did she “ever see any of the memo’s”  sent to her or any of her specific responses,  sent in return with her (remote controlled) signature fixed to each e-mail.  Her chilling and evasive testimony framed a State Department run in as incompetent a manner as any in the history of this nation.  This is a woman who has been on an over-seas vacation for four years,  with no significant diplomatic victories to point to,  as Secretary of State.  

In the end,  one of the assignments for attending Democrats,  come this Wednesday's congressional hearings [May 8],  will be to save this woman’s political future.  They will not care about the truth.  They will have no thought of “getting to the bottom of this.”  If Hillary is severely damaged because of her failures as Secretary of State,  the Dems really have no one to run for the presidency in 2016 and if you think Joe Biden or Andrew Cuomo are winners,  well,  you really have no clue as to what has happened to the Democrat Party during the Obama years.  

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