In January, Hillary ignorantly asked, "What difference does it make?" Bad enough. But even worse, is Elijah Cummings 15 minute rant as he attempted to nullify what was about to happen.

Darrell Issa opened Wednesday’s committee meeting with the three Benghazi witnesses by challenging the committee’s Democrat minority leadership to cooperate in the present investigation with a reminder of two disturbing facts:   

1.  Military leadership has refused to attend any congressional hearings.
2.  Requests for a list of nine survivors from the State Department have been completely ignored  -  with no comments whatsoever. 

Isaish Cummings,  leading minority member on the committee,  opened with a comprehensive undermining of all to which the three witnesses were about to tell the panel. 

It is clear,  with Cummings angry opening 15 minute  response,  that the Democrat minority approached the day's investigative session determined to crush the effects of the testimony of the three witnesses.  After all,  the Dems have to protect the reputations of both Hillary and B Obama against accusations far worse than anything given during the Watergate investigations.
Nothing demonstrates the truth of my claim,  above,  than this statement in Cummings opening remarks: 

[Keep in mind that neither Geogory Hicks nor any of the three witness had spoken a single prior to this statement]  --  “Mr Hicks,  I know these answer provide no comfort to you or the families of the victims,  but this is the testimony congress has received,  and I have seen nothing to make me question the truthfulness of our nation’s military commanders.”  Again,  reading this quote makes one think the statement was made after the witness gave their testimony,  but that is not the case.  

In effect,  Cummings made it clear that the day's session was completely irrelevant,  that congress already had the truth,  and the witnesses were wasting their time regardless of their testimony.  

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