Strategies for defeating "abortion" are, here, outlined . . . strategies that do not include legislation, by the way . . . . strategies that ALREADY have the approval of the voting majority.

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“We” are winning the fight to end abortion or, at the very least,   to greatly curtail this terrible practice.  The rather lengthy excerpt, below,  is evidence of that fact.   

Question:  if this is true,  why can’t we win an election with this at its center?  

Answer:  I believe it is because we allow the debate to change course. The Left never allows “abortion” to be the defining issue.  Rather,  it changes the issue to one of “a woman’s right to choose for herself.”  The Left argues that the opposition seeks to order a woman’s life and her right to choose for herself.  

As long as we allow the Left to define the issue,  as long as "we" are perceived as being opposed to what a woman does with her own body and the unborn life to which she is given charge,  we will never see the kind of success we desire.  Understand that the unborn are not "wards of the state." 

If we cannot legislate murder out of existence  when no one thinks of "murder" in an approving way,  how,  then,  can we rationally expect to end all abortions?  

January 10, 2013, (National Right to Life News)—A new Marist poll conducted for the Knights of Columbus reveals that 83% of Americans favor significant limitations on what is now essentially abortion on demand. That is up 4 points from last year.

A total of 56% of respondents believe either that abortion should never be permitted (10%), allowed only to save the life of the mother (12%), or only in cases of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother (34%).

The telephone survey of 1,246 adults conducted in early December found that 27% would limit abortion to the first three months of pregnancy, at most.  Another 6% would allow abortion during the first six months of pregnancy while only 11% would allow abortion at any time.

Nearly 6 in 10 Americans (58%) also believe abortion is “morally wrong.”  And in many ways perhaps most important of all, a full 84% of Americans say laws can protect both mothers and unborn children.

 “After four decades of legalized abortion in this country, Americans have had ample time to understand that abortion has terrible consequences,” said Knights of Columbus Supreme Knight Carl Anderson.

An anti-abortion strategy that cannot be resisted
More editor's notes:  the anti-abortion "movement" should be involved in a grassroots movement more than a legislative one,  including  free pregnancy counseling,  legal and religious assistance in the adoption process,  homes for unwed mothers, per-abortion counseling and laws that support that practice,  laws banning late term abortions,  and educational strategies that help women to understand that the life they carry has the same right to choose,  as does the mother,  the same right to life.  Understand that the majority who would vote against making abortion illegal,  will support each of the above suggestions,  including the two legislative propositions.  Who knows . . .  since we have not really tried . . . using the above strategies,  we just might get the abortion rate down to 100,000 or less,  about what might be expected if legislation were passed. 

Understand that back in the day when abortion was illegal,  there were still abortions.  People,  women,  bent on ending "the unborn life within,"  will find a way to do so.  In fact,  abortion pills such as RU - 486  (made legal under the anti-abortion administration of GW Bush and his Republican controlled congress) is now available to any woman who cares to ask.  

Abortion upon demand,  is something that is the case,  in today's social economy.  We can continue to dream of a day when all of the unborn have been given life in a welcoming world,  but,  sadly,  that is not the case.  

I no longer care about Roe v. Wade,  because the societal/moral arguments against abortion are stronger than the legislative and imagined alternatives.  While we are trying to deal with the issue in terms of legislation,  millions of babies are dying.  If the "movement" committed itself to saving lives rather than passing legislation,  millions of unborn lives could be save while we are fooling around passing laws that will never be accepted.  

We need to get this in our heads:  the same people who oppose abortion,  statistically,  ALSO oppose anti-abortion laws,  when it comes to voting for one position over the other.  If we cannot appeal this particular contingency,  a majority of this nation's voting women,  we are doomed to failure.  That need not be the case.  
Update:   In "comments," below,  we have a baby killing lib   citing several survey's showing popular approval for abortion at several levels. 

Here is a Gallup proves otherwise and this is why I urge the pro-life for all movement to embrace populace ideas while staying miles away from taking "choice" from women.  



  1. most recent polls from our pro choice nation:

    NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll - Oct. 17-20, 2012. N=1,000 registered voters nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.1.

    "On the issue of abortion, would you say you are more likely to vote for a right-to-life candidate, pro-choice candidate, or would it not make much difference on how you might vote?"

    40% - Pro choice
    28% - Right to life
    31% - doesn't matter


    CBS News/New York Times Poll. Sept. 8-12, 2012. N=1,301 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.

    "Which of these comes closest to your view? Abortion should be generally available to those who want it. OR, Abortion should be available, but under stricter limits than it is now. OR, Abortion should not be permitted."

    42% - Always available
    35% - Available but with stricter limits
    20% - not permitted

    CNN/ORC Poll. Aug. 22-23, 2012. N=1,055 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.

    "Do you think abortion should be legal under any circumstances, legal only under certain circumstances, or illegal in all circumstances?"

    35% - Always legal
    47% - sometimes legal
    15% - always illegal

    Washington Post/Kaiser Family Foundation Poll. July 25-Aug. 5, 2012. N=3,130 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 2.

    "Do you think abortion should be legal in all cases, legal in most cases, illegal in most cases, or illegal in all cases?"

    55% - legal in all or most cases
    42% - illegal in all or most cases

  2. its obvious to conservatives that you can't stop gun violence by outlawing guns. why do these same people think you can stop abortion by outlawing it?
