See what you think. Ed Rendell is a liberal Democrat but is he "one of them?" I don't think so.

<<<<  If a liberal can be one of the good guys  (after all,  we have always had "liberals"),  Ed Rendell is one of them. 

In an interview on MSNBC,  Rendell had this to say.  See what you think.  

RENDELL: The people want us to get together and do something. That's why I was sad to see Steve not run for re-election because we need Republicans, we need more Republicans who are going to stand in there and say, spending is the issue, but we gotta have reasonable revenue to come in into the mix and we got to look at everything when it comes to spending. Defense cannot be a sacred cow, we've got to look at everything and we've got to have legitimate entitlement reform.

And on our side Mike, we've gotta do this. I was on The Cycle, one of MSNBC's shows and I suggested that raising the age in Medicare, given the fact that we're living longer, isn't a necessarily bad idea. The three progressive hosts, you would have thought that I'd proposed treason to the American government.

And he has to also deliver a message to Democrats that we're going to have to compromise. Now give the President credit, he said he would consider chained CPI, he said back in 2011 that he would raise the age limit on Medicare with carve-outs. Those are things he's going to have to deliver if we're going to get Republicans to go along with more increased revenue and doing something finally on the debt. But only one person can take this on his shoulders and cross the finish line and that's the President of the United States. He has to lead. 

Point of post:  there are those in the Democrat Party who see the need for compromise and working together.   I am just hoping that Governor Rendell is not the only one who remains in that Party.  


After notes:

Add Ed Koch to Rendell's name. (Ed Koch: Obama reneging on support for Israel..) 

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