Resistence Bulletin: Gun control is touted while the consent of the governed is completely ignored. See our comments and strategies for dealing with this reality.

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The Washington Post details Obama’s thinking on a new gun control law.    A working group led by Vice President Biden is seriously considering measures backed by key law enforcement leaders that would require universal background checks for firearm buyers, track the movement and sale of weapons through a national database, strengthen mental health checks, and stiffen penalties for carrying guns near schools or giving them to minors, the sources said. I see nothing  to fear in this summary and I am gun owner and a member of the NRA. 

The problem with any legislation passed in Washington, however, is found in  the unnamed legislated details.  Since Congress no longer reads its own legislation  (true for Senate GOP as well as all Democrat leadership),  what gets written into a bill becomes law before anyone can legally object . . . . and that is by design.  Big government unelected, no name,  bureaucrats write 90 percent of our legislation,  most of which is written into any particular law after it is has been passed in Congress. As things stand today,  only House Republicans are willing,  on occasion,  to demand a reading of the bill and accountability for its fiscal agenda.  

Fat Cats such as Chris Christie object to these delays and,  as a result,  billions are spent as unintended consequences of any particular bill,  and government is grown (more spending,  more agencies created,  more federal employees hired ),  all without the consent of the governed.     In case you have not been paying attention,  we are no longer a free people,  and that sad state of affairs received its final stamp on January 20th,  2009.  We live under a repressive, congressional dictatorship which rules by stealth and cares not for the will of the people.  Proof of that is the ObamaCare,  which has never received a majority approval from the people.  


End notes:    What can we do to resist ?  

Bend the rules without breaking the rules
Example:  figure out how to bend the rules in your favor.  Don't want folks to know you have guns?  Report them stolen.  Don't want the feds to know when you are using your own money  (You do know, that you have to report $10,000 withdrawals on every occasion) ?    So, stop putting it in the bank.  Want to fight regulations?  Find out what is coming down the pike and reconstitute your business and/or your daily life style,  to beat out the impact of those regulations. Do all that you can to empower righteous opposition to the expanse of government without putting yourself in jeopardy.  That's what libs do;  sounds good to me.

Support the labor underground

Example:  Support the underground worker.  My gardener can scaresly speak English.  I pay him cash and refuse to take a receipt.  Of course,  that means that I pay the taxes on that money,  but,  then,  lawn care is not a deductible item.  I often use an unlicensed friend of mine,  to do mechanic work on my vehicles.  He makes less money than I do,  even in my retirement,  and he does great work.  I think of it as "spreading the wealth around."  I support a missionary woman in Lebanon.  Part of that money cannot be deducted.  I don't care.  If we have to be rewarded for the good we do,  well,  we have become the enemy, i.e.,  Socialist Democrats.  Yikes !!

Gun control strategies
Example:  I have bought and am buying whatever guns and ammo I believe I need and want,  before further restrictions are put into effect and I will never obey an order to surrender my guns.  Get a carry permit as soon as possible. Finally,  get it in your head that confiscation is not an option for any level of  government as long as we have the Second Amendment.   

Stop supporting folks and entities who despise your existence
Example: commit to little things.  I despise Shepard Smith,  on Fox News as much as I hate MSNBC.  I rebel by changing the channel.  I do not care what drunks and communists do for a living and my television set will not be counted as a part of their ratings.  I no longer pay money for liberal news coverage nor do I believe in a "free press" when that "press" is agenda driven and considers folks like me,  a plague in society.  Why should anyone pay for services coming from folks who reject their values and laugh in their face(s) ?  

Get involved
Example:  speak up;  take every occasion to add your thoughts to the public discourse i.e. editorials,  bumper stickers on your better looking vehicles,  displays of the American flag,  attendance at city and county public meetings,  petitions,  election campaigns,  signage,  call-in radio shows if you have time,  financial support of all those entities supporting the cause of freedom and opposition to the expanse of government. 


  1. "The Gun Lobby's interpretation of the Second Amendment is one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American People by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime. The real purpose of the Second Amendment was to ensure that state armies - the militia - would be maintained for the defense of the state. The very language of the Second Amendment refutes any argument that it was intended to guarantee every citizen an unfettered right to any kind of weapon he or she desires."

    - Chief Justice Warren Burger

  2. That's not what the Supreme Court says. And "State militia's" as in "the National Guard" is certainly not in view.

    According to the Supreme's agree that gun ownership is an individual right. In the beginnings of this nation, militia gun populations came from private gun ownership. The government at any level, did NOT supply guns and ammo for these militia's.

    So, drop dead on this one, tent person.

  3. If you ownn a gun, you should be REQUIRED to serve in a state militia, otherwise, turn in your gun...

  4. ANd Warren Burger was a Republican appointed by Nixon. I think he knows more about the Constitution than Smithson and his fellow morons.
