ObamaCare: the cover-up and blame game begins. The bill was written by legislative incompetents, all Democrats, of course, and now they have to deal with the mess they have written into law, all by their lonesome.

The Huffington Post and the Marxist Morons who write for that partisan rag,  detail a story that reveals one of a number of serious oversights within ObamaCare. 

Turns out that hundreds of thousands of families will not qualify for Federal assistance in purchasing their insurance.    The articles author,  is all about blaming the GOP for not being willing to fix this problem,  even before the GOP knows of this problem  (it is just now being reported),    “since they want the entire bill repealed,  anyway.” 

But,  of course,  this is not the GOP’s problem.  The Dems wrote this bill and the Administration is responsible for its content.  Let them fix the problem.  Heck,  they can cram a solution through congress by hook or crook.  That is what they did before . . . .   or the GOP can use this for leverage to amend the more egregious portions of this idiot law.  

Guaranteed,  this is only the first of a number of very serious issues with ObamaCare.  You can bet on that.  And all of this mess is on the Democrat Socialists who currently rule this nation. 

They allowed three or four of their number to write the overview of this law;  they bribed their members,  they passed a bill that no one read,  and ridiculed the helpless Republicans  and,  now,  they have a huge mess on their hands. 

The article talks as if an October 1, 2013,  deadline will be met,  a deadline for the creation of the 50 state exchanges.  But 25 of the states will not participate in these exchanges,  knowing that the Administration’s claim of assistance  is nothing but a lie.   I believe there is no start-up money,  or not enough, to fund for this mess.  

More than this,  the Administration cannot find 15 medical personnel to man their “death panel.”  No one wants to do it.  They have to commit to a six year term and cannot make an income from any other source. 
That came out in reports,  yesterday. 

The Democrat strategy is clear:    write a screwed up bill,  completely exclude the opposing party,  and,  then,  blame that party for not cooperating with the bills rewrite and amendments. 

Will these Socialist Charlatans get away with this?  Time will tell.  

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