Radical Federal Spending: Maybe this is the real reason folks are buying guns.

<<< The summary facts in this post come from Rep. McClintock's website.   They are the facts and they are indisputable. 

If there is any doubt as to the specifics of the debt crisis,  here are the three most important facts:

Over the course of the past 10 years,  inflation and population, combined,  rose 39%.

During that same period of time,  increases in tax collected revenues rose a total of 37%.

The real problem in all of this mess,  is this statistic:  during the past ten years,  federal spending rose 64% . . . . . and that does not include (of course) the rising costs of local, country and state governments. 

Obviously,  we cannot continue to spend twice as much as we collect in revenues.

As far as "fairness" is concerned,  understand that the top 1% earn 17% of all annualized wealth but pay 37% of the tax burden.  The point?  Again,  the real problem has nothing to do with "fairness" or taxing the rich.  Rather,  the problem is government spending,  especially federal spending.

As long as the "give generation" is in control,  the problem(s) will only get worse,  and when the collapse occurs,  these folks will [literally] come after the homes and possessions of those who have acted in a responsible way.  Why?  Because the fact that I have "stuff" and they do not,  is not "fair."  My purchase of guns has everything to do with protecting my home from invasion,  and my stuff from being stolen. 

And we have Hussein Obama and Company to blame for this reality. He has incited the passions of the Takers,  and heightened their sense of jealousy and contempt for those who work and earn wealth.  Understand that "class warfare" is nothing short of a campaign of jealousy and envy.  It was the tool of Marx and Stalin.  It is now,  officially,  the tool of choice for the Socialist Democrat Party. 

Point of Post:  an informed electorate is the only defense against the mind boggling buffoonery of the "fiscally handicapped"  (code for "Democrat Socialist Leadership").   

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