In an effort for "relevancy," Obama makes a fool of himself on Wednesday. "Get the job done or deal with me !!!" was his message. Geeeesh.

Everything Obama does,  is couched in the political strategy.  Yesterday,  he was stuck doing a follow-up to the gang of eight.  He had originally planned on delivering his immigration plan,  you know,  that plan he failed to present back in 2009 when the GOP did not count,  yeh,  that plan. 
Anyway,  he was going to give his plan but the Senate’s gang of eight,  beat him to the punch. 

So what does Obama do,  having been upstaged by the previous day’s announcement?  Simply,  he threatens the Senate,  as if he is the one driving this debate,  desperately trying to give relevance to his speech. 
He really loves to hear himself talk,  even if it costs the American taxpayers 1.6 million to listen to him. 

I love the fact that Marco Rubio told the prez  -  without a smile on his face – that he was not about to get in a bidding war with Obama.  He reminded Obama that congress passes legislation and he,  Obama signs or vetoes legislation . . . . period. 

Everyone knows that Rubio just put a target on his back.  The Marxist Media will frame his comments as an “in your face attack” on their president,  and they will not be forgiving and for sure,  Obama is all in a stew.  

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