Here is a list of Obama's belief systems as I suspected them to be, per 12/22/08 - more than four years ago and before his first inauguration. Call me a prophet, if you will, but mostly, call me "right on."

posted here on 5/20/09 with 28 entries, some predictive and others have been put into legislative action. The original listing  included 18 entries. The last of the 28 entries was added before Jan 20, 2009. The original 18 were created October of ' 08.

A belief against private gun ownership
A belief that any and all abortion legislation is good
A belief that all industry should be unionized
A belief that privatized education threatens the National Well-being
A belief that capitalism has produced economic failure on many levels

A belief that political debate needs to be limited

A belief that terrorism should be defined as a criminal activity
A belief that "minimum wage" must meet "living wage" standards
A belief that WalMart needs legislative supervision
A belief that he and Michelle are a co-Presidency
A belief that conservative Christian talk should have legislative limits
A belief that the Christian Church cannot have membership requirements if it partners with the Government in aid and relief

A belief that he and Michelle owe a political debt to the Black community

A belief that the Military offers great opportunity for our Nation's minority We are leaving this item in the list although comments that lead us to include this item has proven to be misleading. Obama is in fact anti-military. His personal feelings are secondary to the fact that he is the Commander in Chief of the most effective fighting force on earth. 
A belief that pre-emptive military strikes are categorically wrong

A belief in the election strategy of "deracialization"  ( at the time,  "deracialization"  referred to the angry black  strategy of talking the white man's language for the purpose of gaining a foothold or winning an election in a predominately white arena.)

A belief that "affordable housing" policies need to be expanded
A belief in reparations to the Black community for the sins of slavery
A belief that Jesus Christ does not define "God" in exclusive terms
A belief there are times when the Government knows better than the parent
A belief that your 401k should be taken from you and added to the Social Security fund

A belief that the Patriot Act needs to be repealed (Obama preached this but never took action to repeal.)
A belief that Guantánamo Bay must be closed
A belief that the U.N. is both useful and necessary
A belief in abortion without governmental limitations - period.
A belief that conscience laws should not be allowed for health care providers
A belief that only government can solve America's economic problems
A belief that the military is a necessary evil. He wants a one-war force as opposed to the two-war force we currently have. Very dangerous.

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