<<<< everyman in the picture is a Democrat; seriously.
MSNBC host Chuck Todd reported that a "very smart White House aide" told him that "with this Republican, with the way politics of Washington are today, there'd still be slavery."
"You're going to like
this," MSNBC host Chuck Todd said this morning on TV. "So, I threw
the Lincoln analogy at a close aide to the
president last week, and he said, 'You know, with this Republican, with the way
politics of Washington
are today, there'd still be slavery. Lincoln
wouldn't have been able to navigate the polarization between the media between
this--' It was an interesting and depressing observation from this very smart
White House aide."
Editor's notes: how do you beat a world of connected liars? The no-name Democrat aide, referenced above, apparently has no knowledge of the fact that the Democrat Party is the party of slavery. They invented white on black rape and the KKK. Two of their greatest presidents, Woodrow Wilson and FDR were as racist as any president(s) in history. Both segregated their armies. FDR refused to receive the Olympic champion, Jesse Owens. It was not until the 1960's that they decided to join the Republicans and pass the Civil Rights Bill of 1964. Martin Luther King, Jr., was a Republican.
The GOP has 30 governorships, none are prejudice against blacks. In the 50' and 60's, all Democrat governors were biased and worked ferociously to keep blacks at the back of the bus.
More than this, black congressional Democrats are 90% socialists and as angry as if they were living 100 years ago in the Democrat South. None of the Republican blacks are socialists nor "angry black folk," none.
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