Susan Rice declines the Secretary of State nomination while Obama is hiding the survivors of Benghazi.

 In the Washington Examiner,  we have this story:  

Rep. Steve King, Iowa Republican, said Wednesday that the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, is 10 times bigger than the Watergate and Iran-Contra scandals put together.

"I believe that it's a lot bigger than Watergate, and if you link Watergate and Iran-Contra together and multiply it times maybe 10 or so, you're going to get in the zone where Benghazi is," Mr. King said. "I don't think the public has any idea, and I tell you, I don't either, of the chronology of the events — what took place, and who was where doing what and why. And all the way down through — we still haven't seen an autopsy report on the ambassador yet. Simple questions that you would ask in the first 24 hours have not been asked yet."   

Editor's notes:  Susan Rice stepped aside as a candidate for Secretary of State,  on Thursday afternoon,   thus avoiding a Senate grilling regarding Benghazi, effectively cutting off the public from knowing more about the Administration's plotting as regards the end game of this sad event.  

It seems the Administration is in full force as it hides the truth of whatever happened on 9/11/12.  Four Americans were murdered,  dying as they were screaming for help from their Government and the military that was to protect them.  Besides ordering Rice to step down,  it became news,  today,  that this Administration is hiding the several survivors of the Benghazi massacre.  In fact,  congress has been cut off from interviewing these folks,  and no one seems to know even the names of the these survivors nor where they are !!  

Representative King could not be more right.  This is a cover-up that is far more extensive than the childish antics of Watergate.  Can you imagine.  The non-thinkers on the Left want you to believe that a break-in into the Democrat campaign headquarters, 30 years ago,   just to see what they had in store for the coming election cycle  is somehow on a par (or worse) with the rape and murder of an American ambassador,  the killing of an embassy  intel agent and the murders of two navy seal team members.  Anyone believing that is quite simply an idiot  --  Mr Woodward included.  

On more quick point.  It is rumored that Obama will appoint Rice to an intel position (National Security Counselor) within the WH staff,  thus preventing anyone from ever question her.  As a staff member,  Rice would be protected by "executive privilege."  

It appears that this scandal is not about to go away. 

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