Now the Eugentics Crowd is celecbrating Xmas by holding a pro-abortion party in the heavily black populated communtiy of D.C.

<<<<  As population growth continues to be the "enemy," little girls such as this haven't a prayer in our American society. But there is good news.

Understand that,  in the very beginning of Federal sanctions favoring abortion (Roe v Wade –  1973),  those in the eugenics movement believed abortion to be a convenient tool to be eventually used by Central Planning,  to purge society of its more undesirable elements,  namely,  the poor,  the indigent,  the grossly uneducated  --  you know,  blacks,  Hispanics,  and the Appalachian hillbilly white crowd.  Supreme Court justice,  Ruth Ginsburg believed this to be the case from 1976 until 1980 (at least).  Here are her words,  recorded in a Time interview in 2009: 

"Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don't want to have too many of," Ginsburg told Emily Bazelon of the New York Times. 

Indeed,  the greater impact of Roe v Wade was in the black community.

<<<<     “The Centers for Disease Control recorded detailed information on the race of those having abortions from 1970 to 1981. It shows Roe’s impact on abortions by blacks in the years immediately before and after the decision. The Supreme Court’s decision had the biggest impact on blacks, raising their share of abortions from 21 to 30 percent, while their share of live births only increased from 12 to 15 percent,”  (Source: Avangelista's blog).

And it gets worse.  Now the eugenics crowd is scheduling parties,  celebrating the killing of nearly a million unborn babies per year.  

The following announces a pro-abortion party held at a D.C. bar/lounge,  this coming December 11th.  The fact that this is a celebration in D.C. means, of course,  that this is  a celebration of black abortion more than anything else.  

It’s that time of year again, for the hottest party of the holiday season: the Peace, Joy and Choice Winter Holiday Party!

On December 11, we will live it up at Capitale (formerly K Street Lounge), from 6-9pm. Get your tickets now, while they’re still at the early bird rate! It’s not often enough that we get a chance to relax and say thank you to our amazing supporters. So, come out and join us! There will be drink specials until 7pm, as well as hors d’oeuvres. In addition, 5% of all drink orders go to support our work (in case you needed another reason to toss a few back). And as we know all too well, there is a lot of work to do, so bottoms up for choice!

There is a great need in our community, and we will continue to meet it, we just need your help. Last year, DCAF disbursed over $100,000 in patient grants, a 77% increase from just the year before. Please help us ensure we never have to say no to a woman who calls

According to,  "This particular holiday event is to benefit the DC Abortion Fund. Their sole purpose is to help fund abortions. They do nothing else, and – as they so proudly state on their website – they’re the only organization in D.C. to focus only on making sure women can get abortions. And they’re exploiting the holidays to ensure that they can raise money for abortion."

The good news is that less than 800,000 unborn babies were murdered in 2011,  down from a running average of 1.2 million in previous years.  The bad news is that 800,000 unborn and defenseless babies were murdered in 2011,  up from Zero in a holistic and compassionate society.   
For the Record:

Rick Santorum's efforts at making the presidential race a referendum against abortion is ill-advised,  to say the least.  That battle can be best waged at the state level.  We cannot change the culture if we cannot win elections.  Santorum cannot win a presidential bid.  It is already too late for him.  His decision to turn the 2012 GOP primary campaign into a push to rid the nation of Roe v Wade lost him his GOP primary bid,  period.  The Democrat fearmongers will have a heyday with a Santorum candidacy. 

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