Jason Whitlock, the Fox Sports columnist who was quoted by Bob Costas in his half-time rant against gun ownership, is the high class gent to our left, and I do mean "Left."
Not to be out done with his own words of the past weekend, yesterday, he told CNN that the NRA "is the new KKK."
He conveniently forgets that the KKK was invented by the Democrats; that it caused great harm to the black population for nearly 200 years and may have injured or murdered some of his own relatives. He forgets that the KKK disarmed the Southern blacks, burned their schools and churches, and continues, to this day, to deal with them as second class citizens.
The lie being circulated by the Left, is that the white conservative movement, in this country, is patently racist, when, in fact, their is more evidence that the Socialist Democrat party is plagued with racism than any other single entity in this country.
Understand that the party that now claims 90% of the black vote, refused party blacks a run for the presidency until Obama came along. And in their black president, we have a man who despises conservative whites, is anti colonial when it comes to the history of this country, and ran a re-election campaign that was admittedly a campaign of revenge -- which means that his first campaign was, also, a product of that same revenge factor.
There are two kinds of blacks, in this country. We have angry blacks, who are nearly consumed with hate because of offenses that occurred in the last century. You should know that they [angry congressional blacks] are all in the Democrat Party. While there are black Democrats who are not angry, of course, it is true that there are no "angry blacks" in the GOP.
A quick look at Whitlock, himself, proves him to be a true racist. a white hating journalist who cares little for the truth. Breitbart reminds us of his own, racist hypocrisy. Remember when the Knicks Asian star, Jeremy Lin, scored nearly 40 points against the LA Lakers, some time ago ? Whitlock responded by saying, " Some lucky lady is gonna to feel a couple of inches of pain, tonight" or words to that effect. Of course, in that statement, Whitlock was implying that he was more of a "man" than Lin. The classless picture in this post of Whitlock riding two women, makes the same point.
Breitbart/J Smithson
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