It is now abundantly clear, that Obama won re-election more because of attrition than any other single factor.

 <<<<   While the Marxist Media is busy propping up the popularity of our current president,  more and more information is rising to the top of the media cesspool,  giving us a true opinion of what folks thinks and where this country is going.

The election of 2012 was not only the most disappointing election in my lifetime (of 67 years),  it is becoming one of the most convoluted.  While the Marxist Media is busy propping up the popularity of our current president,  more and more information is rising to the top of the media cesspool,  giving us a true opinion of what folks thinks and where this country is going.  The article from The Hill,  included in part, below,  is just one of those occasions.  Talk about “convoluted,”  here we have a serious contrast of public opinion . . .   while “they” voted him back into office,  “they” see no righteous future as a result of his leadership. 

A mood of economic gloom hangs over the nation as President Obama and Republican leaders scramble to strike a deficit deal that avoids automatic tax hikes and spending cuts, according to a new poll for The Hill.

The poll, conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, found nearly 6-in-10 people (59 percent) feel the country is on the wrong track. It also showed people are deeply pessimistic about their chances for future prosperity, with 54 percent saying they believe their children will be worse off as adults than their parents.

Barely a month after Obama won a second term, and even as the nation continues to make modest job gains, fewer than 1-in-3 (31 percent) say the country is on the right track.

Only 34 percent of people feel they will be better off at the end of Obama’s second term than they are right now. And just 16 percent believe a better economic future awaits their children when they grow up.

Everyday,  we have story upon news story,  telling us of the developing agenda of the current Administration,  a witness to the fact that even Obama does not know where we,  as a nation,  are headed.  Of course,  the general over-riding cause,  the transfer of wealth from those who work to those who do not or cannot,  is his forever goal,  but the specifics of that goal is in disarray even as I write this post.  

What does The Hill’s survey really mean?  In my opinion,  it means that of the 15 million “likely” voters who did not vote  (8 million Democrats from the 2008 election  and 7 million Republicans/conservatives) ,  the election did not promise a change any of them could believe in  . . . . .  hence The Hill’s polling conclusion.  

Whether true or not,  the voting public,  did not see enough of a difference between Obama and Romney to motivate them to get out and vote.  If the Democrats think the election marks the end of conservatism,  they are sadly mistaken,  as polls such as this demonstrate.  Both parties will have to “retool”  their messages to be successful in the future.  Will that happen?  I really do not know. 

After Obama,  there really is no defined national leadership coming out of the Democrat Party.  And that situation may be more the case with the GOP.  At least Obama has a short term,  revenge strategy.  Boehner and company have nothing.  Understand that the GOP did not simply “fall apart,”  its leadership  “died on the vine.” They are still walking the halls of congress,  but they are a feckless bunch,  afraid of their own shadows not to mention "public opinion."   And,  if that is not repaired before the mid-terms of 2014,  the GOP could be in serious electoral trouble.     

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