CNBC Headline: Only 15 States Opt to Run Obamacare Exchanges

<<<<<   Tennessee has joined 30 other states in refusing to participate in creating the Medicare/ObamaCare state exchanges.  Its governor offered this explanation:   "I get the impression that the Government is making up the program as it goes along.  We have not been given any critical guidance from the Feds and we cannot proceed when we do not know what the future might require for this program"  (words to this effect).

While the major Marxist media has been busy downplaying this story,  the state’s rebellion against setting up the Medicare based ObamaCare exchanges,  has grown from a reported 9 states (just last week) to more than 32.  CNBC reports that no more than 18 states and as few as 15 will participate in creating their state exchanges.  

Understand that if a state agrees to participate in the first stages of these exchanges, they will assume much of the Medicare costs of these exchanges,   that could add millions,  if not a few billions,  to their individual debt problems.  California,  for example,  will undoubtedly be one of the few states to participate in setting up its Medicare exchange.  The state already owes itself 619 billion dollars in unfunded liabilities and is adding 14 billion per year to this total.  The Medicare exchange could add another 3 billion per year.  If California was to opt out of this first stage,  the Feds would set up the exchange and assume all of the future Medicare costs.  While opting out of the Medicare exchange would appear to be a no-brainer,  California Democrats see no problem in accepting more debt and hoping for the best.  After all,  that is the expressed fiscal plan for Democrats at all levels of governance.  

In this example,  you have the problem:   agree with the law and assume debt that you cannot cover,  or leave it to the Feds,  and walk away from oversight issues and all future Exchange liabilities.   

What a joke this law has become.  And to think,  we have the Democrats to thank and Nancy Pelosi,  in particular.  The woman gives “blond” a bad name,  yet much of the law’s authorship was given to her.. 

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