We now have evidence that Obama is so out of touch with Middle East realities as to be fairly worthless to the cause of peace in the region.

(CNSNews.com) President Obama on Sunday played down the notion that the conflict between Israel and Hamas has been complicated by “Arab spring” transitions in the Middle East.
Despite warnings from various Arab leaders and Turkey that Israel faces a new environment in the changing Middle East, Obama pointed out that conflict between Israelis and Palestinians had been going on long before what he described as “democratization in the region.” [...]
Asked in Bangkok whether the Arab spring “has made matters worse,” Obama demurred.
“Let’s just remember that the exact same situation arose just a couple of years ago, before the Arab spring,” he replied, alluding to the 22-day Israeli military operation against Hamas in Dec. 2008-Jan. 2009, also prompted by escalated rocket attacks.
“So I don’t think anybody would suggest somehow that it’s unique to democratization in the region that there’s a conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians. That’s been going on for several decades now.”

Editor's notes:  referencing Obama's comments above,   a "couple of years ago,"  Egypt was still pro-West,  there was no war in Syria spilling over into northern Israel,  Libya was not in turmoil,  al Qaeda was a shell of what it is today, Iran was four years removed from its current advancement toward becoming a nuclear power,  Israel was fully supported by the United States, Turkey was pro-West,  the continuation of the Camp David Accord (from the Carter years) was not in doubt and Israel was much more secure as to its future. 

Under Obama,  all of the above has changed.  

A second miscue in Obama's comments involves the fantasy that the Middle East is involved in some sort of democratization process.  None of that is happening in the Middle East.  Rather,  we are watching the advancement of Terror Islam and Sharia Law.  Neither are conducive to democracy.

Obama's comments are designed to fool those who are not paying attention  -  a strategy with which Obama  has been wildly successful,  over the past several years.  

His structured appeal to an illiterate class of voters,  has proven to be the most dangerous strategy in modern American history.  With the above statement,  he continues that strategy without a word of critical review from the Unprincipled  Media.   

What is most disturbing is the possibility that Obama actually believes his own rhetoric on the matter.  If true,  he is so out of touch with reality as to be dangerous to both Israel and America's well-being. 

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