Time for the GOP and tea-party conservatives to come together (compromise) and offer a real solution to the immigration problem. It is eating us alive, or haven't you noticed?

According to GOP Sens. Jon Kyl (AZ) and Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX), the time for the bill is now. “We have got to get this ball rolling,” said Kyl. “We have to have a discussion that is sensible, that is calm.”
Kyl and Hutchison say they’ve worked through the legislation with Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL). Rubio is widely considered a frontrunner for the 2016 Republican nomination.
In the wake of Republicans’ devastating 2012 election losses, many on the right have speculated that the party must reach out to the Latino community. But instead of pursuing comprehensive immigration reform which would trade border security for a pathway to citizenship for the millions of illegal immigrants living in the United States – or even pursuing the DREAM Act as part of a larger immigration package – the Republicans seem to be considering handing the Democrats not only a political win, but an incentive for more illegal immigrants to come to the United States.  

Editor’s notes:  it is time for the GOP to solve this political problem.  The GOP is  in the fight of its life and the immigration issue is a huge concern being used to defeat the conservative agenda.  The Breitbart folks along with many in the tea-party movement,  are lining up against this GOP bill,  even before any of us have seen the bill.

But Breitbart and the tea-party are not the only highly respected conservative voices involved in this discussion.  Those who seen value in this GOP solution include Marco Rubio,  no small conservative player,   Ditto the retiring John Kyl (Sen. AZ).  Add to the mix Rick Perry who supported something similar during the 2012 primary campaign and lost because of his stance.  Dana Perino, George Bush's fourth and last press secretary, has read the proposition,  and sees great value in the document.  

Midknight Review’s position?  I have not seen the bill,  but I know that we conservatives must have this discussion;  there has to be compromise at some level.  I do know that “we” are not going to drive through the neighborhoods of this nation,  load up all illegals onto buses and drive the across the border.  Some of my right-wing buds,  even want to put troops on the border and shoot any who come back into the states,  illegally.  Good grief.  

Understand this:  the Democrats do not care about Constitutional solutions to this problem and want the borders completely open.  It is time to for a commonsense solution.  

Look,  12 million folks from South of the border are here,  and half of them have been here for decades.  Most are law abiding folks  (except,  of course,  for their illegal immigration status,  of course).  They are here and ALL of their children are legal American citizens,  having been born in this country.  

Time for a little reality from the Right,  sense the Democrats have no ability do deal with this problem in terms of the advancement of "law and Constitutional order."  

Of course,  the likes of Sean Hannity and Rush will [probably] oppose this effort. I could care less,  and that might surprise some who read this blog.  Understand that Hannity and Limbaugh are deserting local/commercial radio beginning with the first of 2013.  In do doing,  they have lost my vote of confidence.  Clear Channel is the owner of their plantation,  and it is now involved in doing what it can to establish the effects of the much hated "fairness" doctrine.  

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