Vote was astronomical for Obama in some Philadelphia wards
In a city where President Obama received more than 85 percent of the votes, in some places he received almost every one. In 13 Philadelphia wards, Obama received 99 percent of the vote or more.
Those wards, many with large African American populations, also swung heavily for Obama over John McCain in 2008. But the difficult economy seemed destined to dampen that enthusiasm four years later.
Not to worry. Ward leaders and voters said they were just as motivated this time.
"In this election, you had to point out to the people what was at stake. And in many cases, they felt that the Romney doctrine was not going to favor the working man," said Edgar "Sonny" Campbell.
Question: what happens in these states when a black (and especially B Hussein Obama) is no longer running for the high office? Obama's general manager, David Plouffe spoke out this past week telling those who care what he has to say, that he did not think the Democrats have a template they can use to win future elections, if they think the Obama scheme is that template.
Obama ran on revenge and payback; a man who divided this nation as never before and benefited from that strategy. Four years of abject failure as a president and commander made no difference to the takers and party animals who voted for his return. While not all Democrats fit into the above social description, still, a full 50 percent of the Obama is just that, a vote of the grossly uninformed, the angry, those who feel entitled. Can this be sustained?
That will be answered in 2016.
We do have an election before then, the 2014 midterms. But, that election is more about regional campaigns. The strategies for that election cycle are, of necessity, much different than the national campaign(s), as witnessed in the comparison of 2008 to 2010.
The Ignorants within the Democrat Socialist Party, always announce the "death of conservatism" when they manage to steal an election. They have always been mistaken. In fact and as a perfect example, the week before the 2010 landslide election for the patriot nation, James Carville announced his opinion that "conservatism is dead for the next 40 years."
Here's who Smithson listens to:
The smart people win.
And what do your comments have to do with the post, above? As usual, absolutely nothing.
ReplyDeleteIndeed, I was wrong about the election. Over the course of the past two years, the Left has lost 800 local and state positions and 31 state governorships.
The states that are improving their lot with regards to employment, taxation and business growth are those states governed via conservative principles. Winning an election means nothing if winning increases racism, anti-business behavior and general stupidity. Congratulation, moron.
And the Democrats make gains in both houses... teaparty is repudiated again.