I am not the only one who thinks Obama's current round of campaigning is all about the destruction of the GOP. I say, call Obama's bluff and vote on his plan - as soon as he actually submits one to congress.

Dr. Charles Krauthammer

Krauthammer on the GOP: 

"Why are Republicans allowing the entire debate to be about taxes and about the war among Republicans over holding the line on the Norquist pledge or not, when what Obama is proposing on raising the rates on the 2% is a triviality? It will reduce the deficit from 1.10 trillion to 1.02 trillion, 8 cents on the dollar. It is nothing. It’s lunch money, it’s a rounding error. And yet that’s all the debate that we are hearing. Obama understands this. He’s not trying to fix our fiscal issues and problems. He’s trying to destroy the Republicans by insisting that there is a split among the Republicans on this issue which has held them together, the same way it destroyed President Bush Senior when he went back on the pledge he made. This is a political attack on the Republicans. There is no evidence right now that he has any interest in the real fiscal issue because he would have to talk about spending and entitlements and he isn’t."  

Krauthammer on the GOP's primary claim to fame: 

“And they just had a punch in the nose this afternoon [referring to Obama’s press conference announcing his ‘plan’].    Any Republican who buys this is a fool. The Republicans have stood for one thing consistently. It’s held them together ideologically. And, generally speaking, it has helped them electorally. They are the low-tax party. The other guys want to tax to match reckless spending. If they give it up now in return for nothing, Obama wins, and he wins big.”

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