I am ashamed of what this nation has become. November 6th was the end of the grand experiment we know as America. Beginning with this past election, many of you salute a new era, the "Socialist States of Northern America."

<<<< Nothing says "a new and different America"  more clearly than a new and different flag.  I will not salute this nonsense nor fight for its  survival.  

You were wrong about the election, you're wrong about America. This is a great nation and will become greater since Obama has been reelected. The regressive ankle bitiers like Smithson will eventually die off and America will prosper, particularly with our president's emphasis on education and energy independence.

Editor's Response: 

Reality is about to bite you on your butt  --  which is close to where your head is,  right about now. 

This was a great nation for 236 years.  I will never ignore these words, you want to forget,  words used to define Barack's world view as regards this once,  great nation --- MICHELLE OBAMA (2008): 

"Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation."
The man sat around and made up his own flag 
for this country.  His flag is as different as
is his intentions for this country. 

If this nation was and is so great in the mind of the Lefties among us,  why is Obama trying to take this nation "to  a different place?"  According to your fearless leader,  even our traditions and our history need to be changed.

In Obama,  we have a leader who walks away from those screaming for his help (Ambassador Stevens and the others) and leaves hundreds of our soldiers dead and dying because of the idiocy of his "rules of engagement."  

In Obama,  we have a man who thinks that at some point, we all have made enough money, and he is the one to tell exactly how much that is.   

In Obama,  we have a man who rejects the innate Exceptionalism that is this nation and its history  -  that is why he is hell bent on changing that history.  

In Obama,  we have a game player who,  at every turn,  refuses requests to be transparent and honest.  There have been over 1,000 requests for documents on hundreds of matters,  that Obama has refused to honor or even respond to.  

In Obama,  we have a man who sees every election,  as another opportunity to extract “revenge.”  He is the first president to have communists,  socialists,  and Maoist running free,  within his Administration.  It is your president who thinks he can take down the “profit barons” of our society and wind up with a different result than any other Nazi/Socialist state that has tried the same sort of thing. 

Your "education president"  speaks and writes at an 8th grade level,  and does not know how to pronounce "corps"  or "Taliban." 

"Energy independence,"  you say.  He has no intentions of this ever happening,  regardless of his double speak on this issue.  Proof of this is the fact that he is giving Brazil,  billions to develop their off-shore oil fields with this proclamation,  "We [the U.S.] want to be your best customer.”

Prosperity cannot come to this country as long as Obama [and any other big spender] is driving up the debt.  He has no plan for a balanced budget and thinks it makes perfect sense to add 30 million people to the Medicare rolls while refusing to add a single doctor.  

We are not talking about "stupid,"  at this point.  We are talking about mental "retardation."  

I am personally ashamed of many within our military leadership.  They have no sense of true morality and will not stand up and fight for the men and women who are willingly dying under their "guidance."  We have run from the Middle East like the yellow dogs we have become,  hoping and praying that if we send the murdering Muslim hordes, money,  they will do what we want them to do.  

In Obama,  we have a man who condemned waterboarding,  but has killed more than 4,000 innocent women and children in his drone assaults against 41 Taliban leaders.  

Your president wants to change the rules concerning "free speech."  He thinks "religious conscience" is an existential joke of some sort and expects me to pay some stinking union leader for the right to work and earn a living. 

Will someone rise up and lead this country back to its roots?  I certainly want nothing more than this,  but,  as things stand right now,  the feckless leadership of this Administration,  across the board and at all levels of governance,  no longer requires my admiration.  

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