<<<<< If 500 enemy combatants are captured on the battlefield, this moron would have them all Mirandized and put on trial in the States, complete with lawyers and due process protections. When he says "we are doing whatever we can," that is simply not the truth. Read more for my explanation.
"Right now, we are doing whatever we can to protect
Americans who are serving abroad. We are in contact with governments around the
globe, to strengthen our cooperation, and underscore that every nation has a
responsibility to help us protect our people. We have moved forward with
an effort to see that justice is done for those we lost, and we will not rest
until that work is done."
Update to this rhetorical crap: Obama has refused to send in the CIA, our international terror "task force," if you will, the federal agency charged with analysis and the ability to "solve" the problem, on the battle field and to do so with finality - if you get my drift. Since becoming president, Obama has completely neutered this intelligence agency. Immediately upon becoming whatever he thinks he is, he dismantled the CIA's interrogation units and replaced them with . . . . . . . . . nothing. Under Obama, we no longer capture and interrogate terrorists. Supposedly, he instituted "High Value Interrogation Groups" (HIG) to be manned by the FBI back in 2009, but there is no evidence that this ever got passed the planning stage.
For certain, these HIG's have not interrogated a single terror combatant in four years . . . . not one. And how could they? The FBI is our domestic crime fighting agency. It builds criminal cases, and follows guidelines established under "due process" and allows combatants to seek out and use legal counsel. The blind sheik that has been in the news of late, you know, the one Obama is thinking of giving to Egypt? Well, we put him on trial in the 1990's, under Bill Clinton's watch, and that prosecution took five years to complete.
Obama has sent the FBI to Libya to "investigate" for the purpose of building a case in civil/criminal court in back in the United States. When these killers are captured, they will be given their Miranda Rights. There will be no interrogation for the simple reason that Obama has declared the "war on terror is over."
[You should note that 40 to 60 thousand Arabs cross into this country via our Southern border. Sooner or later, that has got to blow up in our collective face, no?]
Keep this in mind: as I write, all this talk about the FBI being on the scene, investigating and pursuing the killers of our diplomats --- well, they are in Libya, alright, but they are in Tripoli, nearly a thousand miles to the West of Benghazi. Why? Because it is too stinking dangerous in Beghazi -- hence the need for special ops and the CIA.
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