First response on the
morning shows include these comments: the majority of the welfare class
are Republican and pay a higher tax rate than the rich. I have never seen
a campaign that features so many denials as relates to reality: "Our
standing in the world is at record highs," our "Islamic policy
is working wonderfully," "Osama bin Laden is dead and GM is
alive" has nothing to do with Middle Eastern hatred for the US,
"We tried their plan and it failed, We tried our plan and it
worked," "I am Israel's biggest friend," "No
one saw the Muslim Brotherhood coming," "There was no reason to
close our Libyan Consulate or warn Ambassador Stevens that his life was in
danger," "the private sector is doing just fine, "our
Afghan policy is leading to a negotiated and honorable peace."
"We have brought peace to the Middle East," We are
defeating Iran in its effort for nuclear power, " "The Karzai
government will carry on our mission once we are gone," and the
biggest whopper of all, "We ARE better off than four years
Listen to this video and tell me if you hear Romney degrading
the entitlement class. In fact, he is only recognizing the nature of
the battle he is in.
As things stand this morning, this story is getting attention but it has
not gone “viral” as did the idiot’s assessment of Romney versus Obama in the
Libyan disaster. Why?
For starters, we all
know that Obama has been dividing the nation between the haves and the have-nots
with the intention of winning the 2012 election in the name of social justice and a
full-one redistribution of wealth.
Understand that this video was made on May 17 of this
year -
nearly four months ago. Mother
Jones has waited until now to release this “secret video” in the hopes of
derailing Romney’s candidacy.
Bloomberg Financial immediate issued this verdict: “Today
Romney lost the election.” Virtually all
the angst leveled against Romney regarding this video is coming from NBC/MSNBC
and the Obama campaign.
Obama’s first response:
“It’s shocking that a candidate for President
of the United States would go behind closed doors and declare to a group of
wealthy donors that half the American people view themselves as ‘victims,’
entitled to handouts, and are unwilling to take ‘personal responsibility’ for
their lives. It’s hard to serve as president for all Americans when you’ve
disdainfully written off half the nation.” – Jim Messina, Obama for America
Campaign Manager
Obama speaks to wealthy donors behind closed doors at least
once a week. It was behind closed doors
in 2008 that he made fun of half the nation,
typifying them as clingers and racists.
Secondly, as specifically regards Messina's expressed criticism of Romney. Understand that Messina went after Romney for writing off half the nation when a president
should be “president for all Americans.”
This in spite of the absolute fact that Obama has made headlines, over and over again, as he pursues a political process that
completely ignores the GOP, all white middle class working types and Catholic Church/Evangelicals, nation wide --
easily half of the national population.
More on this later,
but know this, Romney is
absolutely right. Class warfare has been
an Obama reality and election strategy since he took office. "They" claim they want a fight on the economy. Well, bring it on - we are more than ready.
Update: see M>R> article detailing Romney's accuracy in making is statement at
Update: see M>R> article detailing Romney's accuracy in making is statement at
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