Really, who is the wacko, the TEA party patriot or a Marxist Misfit out of the 1960/1970's ?

My response to someone who has no clue but talks and writes as if she does:  

To PM(S)

M. Obama once said this: "Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation." 

Apparently you have bought in this traitorous rhetoric. And to think that I am the wacko, here. You - as a liberal - can't see off the end of your nose. You think you can give everyone an equal piece of the pie; that the job providers are assholes and need to be banished. Well, in time you are going to get your wish, dip shit. Who do you think pays the salaries of government "workers" . . . . non-government taxpayers, that's who. And there are not enough to go around.

But how would you know that? You're a Democrat. You think a man sticking his dick up some other man's asshole and calling it a marriage is normal . . . . and I am the wacko. You think killing 1.4 million unborn babies a year JUST FOR THE HELL OF IT is somehow civilized and I am the weird one. You think Obama is great when you know absolutely nothing about his background or what he is doing as our first dictator . . . .. and I am the freaking wacko. You think it fine if union's steal dues from their membership and spend it on whatever . . . . and I am the nutcase. You see nothing wrong with a union telling me when and where I can work and are brainless enough to call me a crack pot. You think men who dress up like women are normal . . . and I am the one who is "abnormal." You think that printing more paper money is a solution to the debt crisis . . . and I am the one who does not know what he is talking about. Hell, you probably think Joe Biden would make a good president, or Dick Durban is a patriot or John Kerry is some kind of war hero.

The TEA Party is “radical” because it believes in a balanced budget, that free speech has no limits nor has to be supervised by some asshole in Washington, and that America is the greatest nation on earth, even in bad times. You believe none of that and I am the idiot.

Obama takes two years of Bush 43 history and pretends that this nation's conservative inclinations have NEVER worked; 236 years versus 2 . . . . . and you call me the moron. 


  1. Your Tea Party brand of hatred is exactly what is wrong with American politics. You are so overwhelmed with hate you can't even see how foolish you are. Your kind will try to pull the political debate to the far right but you are quickly realizing that you've already lost. Romney is slipping in the polls and is starting to pull towards the middle because he knows that your brand of hate and attempt to control the way people live will not get him elected. Most people are in the middle and if you watched Obama over the past 4 years you would realize he has moved this way. You can call people names and try to brand them as whatever you like but know that when you call people childish names you are just making yourself look more foolish and out of touch with reality.


  2. Sooo, did you find something wrong with what I was saying in the above or any of the other posts ? You think this post is hate speech? You should have read it yesterday, before I deleted it and took out the cuss words.

    You don't want to discuss the issues? Your mind is closed? Well, so is mine. You come here for information, and that is what you get. You come here to see me change my mind . . well, that ain't going to happen, slick. Your little arrogant "I am better than you because I didn't call names" no longer flies with me. Your national convention was full of lies and hate. We are Nazi. We want segregation (when your side invented segregation). We want old people to die - dude, I AM "old people" and dying is something that I will do right after the fight. Straighten out your own pathetic loser life before pretending to be above it all.

    Meet me in front of my home and telling me how stupid I am, call me a teabagger to my face, talk to me about my IQ and insult my wife. That is what you people did to the Right Wing up until 1990. No more.

    Call me stupid or teabagger to my face and see what happens next. And if I can't win that fight, I have help. You Lefties are done running the debate and controlling those who disagree. You had your way for at least 30 years. And, here is why things have gotten so nasty. My side has finally stood and told your side to go straight to hell, and you don't like it. Your union thugs have been running around, for years, pretending they are the only tough guys in the game and guys like you, give them a pass. Well, I can't control what you do, but your goons will never again come to one of "my" jobs sites and poison the fuel and slash the tires ever again, without a gun fight. Do you know that our mayor, in the small town in which I live, and the editor of the newspaper, have had their homes shot at and their cars vandalized . . . by members of the Latino "we want California back" crowd. That is what we have to put up with -- but no more. I am not the only one buying guns. I have two shot guns, now, a small arms semi-automatic and semi-automatic 9mm hand gun on order. Why? Because your side already has those weapons, you dumb shit. Two years ago, I had no firearms in my home.

  3. I saw the post with all the cuss words and its pretty close to the same post. You like to lump me in with Democrats and lefties but I am neither. I am one of the many people in the middle. We outnumber both sides and we have the last say in the elections. Not the Tea Party and not the Union thugs. I am pretty sure I've never called you anything but foolish and out of touch. You can keep lumping me in with whatever belief system you are afraid of but it still doesn't change what I actually believe. Just like you can keep calling Obama a communist and it won't change the fact that he's just a little left of Clinton. The more polarized you become the more strength you give to the other side. The solutions are in the middle and the enemies are on the fringes. Unfortunately you are part of the problem. I don't mean to come off as arrogant but I'm pretty sure I don't come off nearly as arrogant as you do.
