How is the election going? Both sides can see reason to be encouraged, but certainly, the GOP has room to be encouraged, especially as to the Senate.

Romney currently has 201 electoral votes .  If he wins all of the
swing states (colored “white”),  he winds up with 302 votes and
the election.  He is in a virtual tie with Obama in the eight states
marked on the map.  Basically,  the entire election hinges on what happens in these eight states.  You can go for a dynamic view of this map.  Thanks to that blog for this publication.  You should also know that the race for the Senate seems to be divided 47 Dems to 49 GOP with 4 seats in the balance - to be decided. If the GOP splits the remaining 4,  they take control of the Senate and may have power to stop Obama from acting as a Rogue/Dictator president.  

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