He was raped and Obama Tweets this??!! Of the last 47 Tweets (can you imagine a President of the United States, sitting around "tweeting" for hours?), only one was about Libya. The remainder were to or about Jay Whatever and Beyonce and more campaign promises ala 2008.

<<<<< Why are the Ambassador's pants down or removed?  We have the controversial answer here.  There is no reason to believe that he was not raped and we have pictorial evidence to suggest that he was.  

Never mind that warnings signs were numerous.   Never mind that Obama failed to protect the Libyan embassy as was his duty.  Never mind that he had “no actionable intelligence” because he no longer interrogates or infiltrates terror organizations. Never mind that the Libyan embassy was “residential” in construct and as easily penetrable as my home (of course,  I have more fire power in my home than Ambassador Stevens had in his “home”).  Never mind that the Ambassador was raped -  but who cares about that fact?  There are a few of us who do care,  but,  of course,  we are "wackos" for making the suggestion.  After all, Muslim men,  especially radicalized Muslim men,  would never do such a thing.   Beat the hell out of their wives? Yeah.  Kill their own children?  Affirmative.  Rape teenage boys as a past-time?  Ooooh,  you betcha.  But raping the enemy just before killing him  . . . . . . . . . . . . . and I am the wacko.  

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