Even the world's liberal population see's Obama's foreign policy as an utter failure.

The English version of Der Spiegal has this to say as to the Obama agenda:

 US embassies in the Muslim world were on high alert Friday following days of violent protests against an anti-Islam film. Germany, too, closed several embassies in fear of attacks. Some German commentators argue that the violence shows that Obama's Middle East policies have failed.

The headline on this story reads:  'Obama's Middle East Policy Is in Ruins'  and 70% more people read headlines than the stories they foretell. 

While the German press is fiercely Marxist,  it has enough sense to see the truth as relates to the Obama foreign policy in the Middle East. 

And what is Obama's Middle Easter policy?  To retreat – militarily – from that part of the world in toto,  send the several Arab states lots of money,  and hope  --  from a distance -- for the best.  Nothing new.  This has been his plan from the very beginning. 

In his Cairo speech (June of 2009),  he labeled Israel  an “occupier” of Palestinian land and, since that time,   has done all that “plausible deniability” will allow to work against Israel’s continued existence.  

He has sent billions to Hamas in Gaza while sending monies to Israel.  He has given more than 50 "bunker buster" bombs to Israel while ignoring the developing nuclear threat in Iran  - all of this to create "plausible deniability."  

You might object to this conclusion,  arguing that Obama has installed very egregious restrictions on Iranian trade to which I say:  Iran has crafted a 120 nation alliance of "non-aligned nations,"  and has received aid from Russia and China.  The embargo hurts no one in Iran but its own civilian population.  Iran continues "full speed ahead" on his quest for nuclear dominance in the region.  

On the very weekend Tehran fired its first  nuclear reactor,  Obama and family took a 10 day vacation to Hawaii.   

What is almost humorous is the fact that the Dems continue to tout Obama's expertise in foreign affairs.  Time will tell how this plays out.  Are their enough literate people left in this nation to see what has/is happening to our place in the world?  We will know soon enough.  

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