Obama, caught red-handed, pushing one of the most disgusting ads of all times, refuses to admit personal responsibility and orders ad to be published.

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<<<<  Top picture taken on May 4.  Bottom pic taken sometime last week - three months later or so the Despicables at Obama's campaign headquarter want you to believe,  despite the same "home setting" and the same clothing.  Hmmmm.  Also,  see the Liberal videos (there are two) critical of this ad. 

 Obama camp denies knowledge of cancer tale it told in May

Oops? President Barack Obama's re-election campaign washed its hands Wednesday of an independent group's vicious (and misleading) ad effectively blaming Mitt Romney for the death of a laid-off steelworker's wife from cancer. Campaign officials flatly denied any knowledge of the facts in the case—but it turns out the widower told the same story on an Obama campaign conference call in mid-May. (The Obama campaign responded late in the day: See update below).

"We have nothing, no involvement, with any ads that are done by Priorities USA. We don't have any knowledge of the story of the family," Obama campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters aboard Air Force One on Wednesday. . . . Yahoo.com

Yesterday,  Stephanie Cutter,  B. Obama,  Jay Carney, and Robert Gibbs  all went on record telling anyone who would dare to believe them,  that they do not listen to television and had never heard of Mr. Scoptic. 


Top pic from a May 4 ad supposedly
filmed a union hall; bottom pic
supposedly filmed in the man's home.
two months after the first.
Note the furniture and clothing.
1.  On, May 4, Scoptic appeared in an Obama campaign ad,  which is different from the sleeze ad put out by the Obama SuperPac,  Priorities USA,  this past week.  In the May 4th ad, he complains about Romney shutting down GST Steel,  condemning Mitt as heartless.  Priorities USA claims that this May 4 ad was filmed in a union hall while last week's ad was filmed in the man's home.   As we look at the picture (right) we note that the man is in his home, in both ads and is wearing the same clothing,  evidence that the two ads were filmed on the same day,  on or before May 4.  

2.  On May 14 , Soptic is recorded in a phone conversation with Stephanie Cutter,  one of Obama's inner circle,  and talked about the very same issues his televised ad includes - the sad issues surrounding his wife's death.   What is critical,  here,  is the fact that this phone call was made to Obama For America [OFA] and offers a direct link between Soptic/Cutter and Barack Obama.  Understand that the OFA is directly managed by Obama.  This audio was aired on national news,  yesterday,  but I cannot find it on the web.  Geeeeeeesh, anyone wonder why?

I have found the audio proving Stephanie Cutter to be lying about not knowing of Soptic's complaint thanks to Michelle Malkin's blog: 

What is most humorous to this editor,  is Cutter's pathetic claim - in her denials of yesterday - that "Priorities USA is a 'super pac' and we are prohibited by law from having any contact with our super pacs,"  as if this Administration gives a flip about the law. 

But,  we don't have to depend on a historical analysis of this bunch of crooks to know that Cutter is lying,  now that  we now have audio proof that Scoptic discussed his wife's plight with Cutter in the OFA phone discussion.    

3. A third problem with this ad is this:  no one on the Left believes this ad nor thinks it proper to run the ad in the battle ground states.  Proof of this?  Take a couple of minutes and listen to CNN destroy Obama's campaign manager at Priorities USA:  

Or listen to the folks at MSNBC in their criticism of this bit of campaign trash.  


Case closed. 

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