The HaveNots will never be on par with the Haves - just ask Barack and his millionaire wife, Michelle.

Obama is busy pretending that he was taken out of context when he said,  

“If you got a business,  you didn’t build that,  somebody else did that.”  

In making his case,  Obama had this to say:  “So we want success.  We just want to make sure that everybody has a shot. That’s what we’re fighting for, that’s what is at stake in this election." 

Understand that as relates to syntax,  the second phrase or sentence (beginning with “We just want . . .”) is a caveat to the first.  There is no escaping that conclusion.  As such,  the second sentence is not complimentary to the first;  it is a change of direction,  a correction if you will,  a damper to the notion of success.

With this statement,  a rhetorical formula he has used over and over again,  Obama is saying,  “I have no problem with successful businesses BUT, the system has not been fair to all and I want to correct that.” 
How is that correction actualized – to make sure “everybody has a shot?”  That is the question and no one on the Left,  has taken the time to spell out that bit of social action. 

We understand that increased taxes are the beginning of wealth redistribution.  But after it goes into the General Fund,  after the politicians get their millions,  how is it put into use in such a way as to give folks “a fair shot” at success   --  we are talking about success,  right,  or are we just talking about ‘getting by,  paying the bills,  getting food stamps,  being reimbursed for taxes you did not pay and that sort of thing. 

What if Obama is contrasting two very different circumstances,  those who own successful businesses versus those who do not have a pathway to that success.  What if he is not talking about everyone getting a fair shot in a business environment.

I say that this is precisely the scenarioHe is comparing the business community with those who will never be a part of that community  --  what about them?   Obama is making this point: the business community can take care of itself but everyone else is dependent on the Government when it comes to an equitable living circumstance.  And that thinking is a form of socialism at worst or social justice collectivism at best. 

In short,  Obama wants to take from the Haves and give give give to the HaveNots.  That is exactly what his controversial statement means.  And he has gone a long way in seeing to it,  that his brand of social justice be put into effect. 

Make no mistake,  to a large part,  this is what the election is about.    


  1. Watch Romney tell business owners in a seminar the importance of getting government money to help their businesses.


  2. If you are saying that Government funds given to qualified business concerns is wrong, just remember that half of Obama's "investments" in green companies have resulted in bankruptcies.

    If you think there will be some sort of equivalency between Romney's business policies and Obama's, you are sadly mistaken.
