Here is why conservative politicians should limit their exposure to the Piranha Press. The radicalized media has no place, no right, setting the vetting rules for any election. The "major" media no longer counts, period.

Here are several examples making the case for why the patriot nation should tell the Marxist Media to take a hike when it comes to vetting requirements.  With a serious election defeat rising on the horizon,  a second defeat in two years,  the Marxist Media is desperately working to destroy its opposition. We have three examples  --  the Wall Street Journal has the most involved account,  to date.  

Out of the Wall Stret Journal:  This column has already told the story of Frank VanderSloot, an Idaho businessman who last year contributed to a group supporting Mitt Romney. An Obama campaign website in April sent a message to those who’d donate to the president’s opponent. It called out Mr. VanderSloot and seven other private donors by name and occupation and slurred them as having “less-than-reputable” records.

Mr. VanderSloot has since been learning what it means to be on a presidential enemies list. Just 12 days after the attack, the Idahoan found an investigator digging to unearth his divorce records. This bloodhound—a recent employee of Senate Democrats—worked for a for-hire opposition research firm.

Now Mr. VanderSloot has been targeted by the federal government. In a letter dated June 21, he was informed that his tax records had been “selected for examination” by the Internal Revenue Service. The audit also encompasses Mr. VanderSloot’s wife, and not one, but two years of past filings (2008 and 2009).
Mr. VanderSloot, who is 63 and has been working since his teens, says neither he nor his accountants recall his being subject to a federal tax audit before. He was once required to send documents on a line item inquiry into his charitable donations, which resulted in no changes to his taxes. But nothing more—that is until now, shortly after he wrote a big check to a Romney-supporting Super PAC.

Two weeks after receiving the IRS letter, Mr. VanderSloot received another—this one from the Department of Labor. He was informed it would be doing an audit of workers he employs on his Idaho-based cattle ranch under the federal visa program for temporary agriculture workers.



These vultures tried to ruin Limbaugh by threatening his advertisers.

They are in the process of a total destruction of ALEC  (American Legislative Exchange Council - their site link is here) because of its donations to the Romney campaign and its ongoing effort to hold our educational system accountable.  Teach unions hate "civilian" accountability,  you know.  I think the effort will ultimately fail,  especially if the GOP wins this coming election.

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