Barack, Hillary and UN are conspiring to [eventually] end private gun owrnership, world wide.

<<<<  There is reason to be concerned that the UN is being used by some to lay a foundation for private gun ownership repeal, world wide.

I have included in this post,  an article found at CNS informing us that the UN  has made a decision to include Iran in treatise  negotiations that are designed to curtail weapons development and procurement within the international community.    What is not mentioned in the CNS report is the fact that Hillary Clintion is involved in the drafting of this treaty and,  much more importantly,  that this is United Nations effort also serves as a back-door assault on private gun ownership.  The treaty will require the registration of all guns with an eventual ban on private ownership . . . . . . . . . . . at least that is the fear with regards to this treaty. 

Understand that we must know exactly what is in this treaty.  If this is,  in fact,  a deceptive, backdoor approach to full gun control, once signed,  the treaty would be regarded as an effectual amendment to the second amendment.   According to Dick Morris,  all international treatises are regarded as Constitutional in nature and supercede state law.  

Media Matters challenges this claim of sovereignty as relates to international treatise in making this statement:

Morris' constitutional interpretation is also pure fantasy. The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution states : "This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land." If Morris' interpretation were correct, all federal laws would also have the force of constitutional amendments since the Supremacy Clause makes no distinction between "laws of the United States" and treaties.

It should come as no surprise that Media Matters ignores critical aspects of the law as relates to treatise and states.  There is an excellent legal brief written on the subject and supportive of Morris's claim.  It exposes  Media Matters opinion for what it is -  pure baloney.  You can read this opinion,  here.  It is a 21 page download. 

CNS News reports:
Iran has been chosen as a member of the “bureau” overseeing a month-long United Nations conference in New York aimed at finalizing a controversial global “arms trade treaty.”[...]

“This is like choosing Bernie Madoff to police fraud on the stock market,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, a non-governmental monitoring group based in Geneva, which drew attention to Iran’s elevation to the conference bureau.

UN Watch is urging U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to condemn the move:

“He should remind the conference that the Security Council has imposed four rounds of sanctions on Iran for refusing to halt its prohibited nuclear program, and that Iran continues to defy the international community through illegal arms shipments to the murderous Assad regime,” Neuer said.[...]

Iran’s election went unremarked until Iranian media trumpeted the development at the weekend, with Tehran Times reporting that Iran “is assisting the president of the Arms Trade Treaty Conference in the general conduct of the business of the conference” while the Iranian Students’ News Agency said that Iran “was elected as the deputy of Arms Trade Treaty conference.”

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