After all that campaigning, all that "running away from his record," all the talk, Obama is [still] trailing Mitt Romney.

If you locate "April 15" on the chart below and study the chart from that time forward,  you will note that Romney has enjoyed 5 periods of extended 
separation and may now be in his sixth such occasion.  Obama 
has had two such separations.   

Obama's attacks on Bain Capital has affected only 25% of those who have been surveyed. In other words,  his attacks
on Mitt Romney are have no serious effect at all.  

The non-partisan Rasmussen Reports shows Obama's approval numbers back to 45% while those who “strongly approve” and
 are willing to actively work for his presidency remains at a
low "26%."  This last number stood at 46% at time of his
2008 election.

 Presidential Approval Index  
 Strongly Approve  
 Strongly Disapprove  
 Total Approve  
 Total Disapprove  

One final statistic:  at the same time in 2008,  black voter registration was running 7% higher than it is,  today.  He is also running behind in voter registration among women and young adults.  


  1. Hogsniffer Smithson thinks Rasumussen is "non-partisan"


    Like Fox news is fair and balanced.

    Its an altered reality.
