Why the Democrat National Convention is stacking up to be a monumental failure. (Can you hear me laughing?)

Bloomberg Financial,  is reporting the following:

Democrats canceled a political convention kick-off event at the Charlotte Motor Speedway and will move the activities to Charlotte’s main business district, the convention’s host committee announced.   “While we regret having to move CarolinaFest away from our great partners at the Charlotte Motor Speedway and the City of Concord, we are thrilled with the opportunity that comes with hosting this event in Uptown Charlotte,” said Dan Murrey, the executive director of the Charlotte in 2012 Convention Host Committee.
The move comes as party planners are grappling with a fundraising deficit of roughly $27 million, according to two people familiar with the matter who requested anonymity to discuss internal party politics. With a party ban on direct contributions from corporations, the host committee has raised less than $10 million, well short of its $36.6 million goal, said one of the people.    Murrey said that logistics, not costs, were behind the decision to cancel the Speedway event.   http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-06-26/democrats-may-drop-speedway-event-at-charlotte-convention.html

Editor’s notes:  I have laughed about the possibility of Obama Democrats and their  “spending without restrictions” lust, running out of money before the end of the election. Wouldn’t that be a hoot?  I mean,  this is a presidential candidate that cannot write a budget  --  literally.  In the past two years,  he has presented three budgets and none have garnered so much as a single positive vote,  His budgets have failed in the Senate,  97- 0, 95 – 0, and, in the House,  414 - 0.  I mean,  how does that happen?  And the Democrat controlled Senate has not worked on a budget for three freaking years.  When it comes to money,  they do not know their proverbials form a seismic shift.   

 Understand this,  we are not getting the “rest of the story” when it comes to the financial straights this party is experiencing.  Obama is spending incoming donations as fast as they come in.    Apparently he has set aside a $100 million for use,  later in the campaign,  but he is already being challenged in that regard.  More and more pressure is being levied against that “rainy day fund” as the Dems continue to spend at the current rate. 

And, to think, Romney is just getting started

The last thing their campaign needs are stories such as the one being reported by Bloomberg.  You should know that the Bloomberg article, also,  tells us the Dems have shortened their convention from a four day affair, to a three day function.  Maybe,  before this is all over,  they will simply cancel the convention and nominate Obama via Skype.  

What gets little press is the location for the Democrat convention  -  in Charlotte.  Amazingly stupid. You should know that North Carolina is a right to work state and none of the hotels,  in Charlotte, are union stores.  As a result,  the unions told the campaign to take a hike -  they were not going to help finance the convention if held in Charlotte.    
North Carolina is a “red” state,  a solid GOP/conservative reserve.  In the Bob Dole/Bill Clinton election,  this state went for Dole !!!  But in 2008,  Obama won the state’s 15 electoral votes.  Understand that North Carolina is a strong-hold for the conservatives,  so Obama,  in his supreme wisdom,  decided to hold the DNC  in that state  -  attacking the strength of the opposition. 
I think Obama will lose in this state by double digits.  Seriously.  The margin of victory in 2008,  when “everyone” loved this moron of a president,  49.70% versus 49.38% in favor of Oby 1  --  we are talking 3/10ths of a percent, folks. 

In the 2010 mid-terms,  the state voted in a new Republican Governor by a margin of 12 points  --  an absolute landslide.   In the year Obama came out of the closet for gay marriage (2012), North Carolina voters, May of 2012,  approved an anti gay marriage amendment by a margin of 61% to 39%.

And, the king of the campaign  world,  B. Obama,  thinks this is the place for his convention.  More than this,  they are going to have their grand finale,  Obama’s acceptance of the Democrat Nomination,  in the Bank of America Stadium !!!  What if they can’t fill the stadium?  You know that nine prominent Democrats have already said that they were not attending the convention,  including Hillary Clinton.  

This is all,  stacking up to be an unreal disaster.  


  1. New NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll: 60 percent say President Obama inherited the current economic conditions, compared with 26 percent who blame his policies for the state of the economy.

  2. Isn't this kind of silly? First, NBC is so Left Wing that it no longer has any degree of credibility whatsoever. It makes up "stuff" and runs it as news. NBC has been caught doing so, many times over the years and, hey, MSNBC is its brain trust.

    But that aside, you make it sound as if Obama and his Marxist buds, were not around in 2007 and 2008, that it was Bush alone, who spent all that money. Who was in charge of banking and finance during those years? Chris Dodd in the Senate and Barney Frank in the House. Who voted for nearly all of the Bush spending legislation? B Obama, Nancy Pelosi, the moron Harry Reid, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and on and on.

    Who's idea was it to force the banking institutions into the idiocy of Affordable Housing? Certainly that included all -- as in every member -- Democrats. And it was the "Affordable Housing" policies that was the direct cause of the current crisis in which we find ourselves. Who worked against Bush's attempt at correcting many of the issues embedded in Affordable Housing.

    In an article found in Investor's Business Daily's, America's Second Wake-Up Call! , we have this timeline relating to Bush’s efforts to deal with the eventual cause of the current recession. Understand that the Dems opposed him at every turn, including Obama beginning in 2006.
    April 2001: The Bush administration's fiscal budget stated that the size of Fannie and Freddie was "potential problem because financial trouble of a large Government-Sponsored Enterprise could cause repercussions in financial markets, affecting federally insured entities and economic activity."
    May 2002: The Office of Management and Budget wanted disclosure and governance principles in Bush's 10-point plan for corporate responsibility to apply to Fannie and Freddie.
    February 2003: A federal housing oversight report warned that unexpected problems at Fannie Mae could immediately spread into financial sectors.
    September 2003: Treasury Secretary John Snow recommended that Congress enact legislation to create new agency to regulate and supervise financial activities of housing-related government entities to set prudent and appropriate minimum capital requirements. Rep. Frank, the committee's ranking member, strongly disagreed, saying: "Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are not facing any kind of financial crisis . . . . The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we'll see in terms of affordable housing."
    From 2004 to 2008 the Bush administration made 12 more attempts to get Congress to pass legislation to have safer, sounder regulatory oversight of Fannie and Freddie and capital rules.
    February 2004: Greg Mankiw, chairman of Bush's Council of Economic Advisers, cautioned Congress against taking the strength of financial markets for granted.
    April 2004: Rep. Frank ignored warnings, accusing the administration of creating an "artificial issue." "People pay their mortgages," he told a group of mortgage bankers. "I don't think we are in any remote danger here.
    July 2005: Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid rejected legislation on reforming Fannie and Freddie. ". . . . we cannot pass legislation that would limit Americans from owning homes and harm our economy in the process," he said.

    In 2009, B Obama said, "All [government] spending is stimulus." So why is Bush so hated by the Left?

    Finally, do you believe everything NBC says? If not, why not? You won't answer that question, because I will tear you a new one with your answer. Prove me wrong.

  3. I should have added the notation that Bush, indeed, contributed to the problem. I think he vetoed just one spending bill in 8 years and he did believe that every American should have the ability to buy their own home. But he did not govern alone, as you seem to imply - not by a long shot. And to argue that Obama "inherited" the problem, well, that is an insane lie, pure and simple.

    Say what you will about Bush, at least he knew how to write a budget. Obama's recent budget proposals have failed twice in the Senate (97 - 0 and 93 - 0) and once (2012) in the House, 414 - 0. Obviously, Obama has no clue about finances and reasonable people no longer pay any attention to him, for that reason.
