Time for legal action against this president.

Why now?  Why has Obama waited until this week to demagogue the immigration circumstance and act out in a dictatorial manner as he changes  national immigration policy? 

There are two legal decisions that will be made by the Supreme Court,  this month.  One relates to ObamaCare,  of course.  The second is more to the point of his decisions, today. 

Within the next two weeks,  the High Court will make a decision as to the Arizona immigration law.  Nearly all legal analysts,  on both sides of the political aisle,  seem to agree that Arizona has an excellent chance of winning this decision.  It appears that Obama agrees, as well.  Understand that Obama is an “open borders”  liberal.  A High Court decision against his Administration,  would be a disaster for his future open border plans.   As a matter of preemptive legal action,  therefore,   he has decided to issue this mornings’ Executive Order. 

Should Obama win re-election,  there is no doubt that he intends to rule over this country by fiat. 

Impeachment will be the only recourse,  and that process should begin immediately.  If he loses the election,  then impeachment will not be needed but trial by jury just might be in order.  


  1. White births are now less than minority births in America. Do you see your white supremacy slipping away, bigot Smithson?

  2. Why would you charge me with "white supremacy?" I don't get it. Nothing in this blog is of that nature. Nothing. I do have a major prejudice, however. I hate stupidity no matter what color the donor.

    I can tell you one thing for certain: I have spent more time working with kids at risk (nearly all are "people of color") than you have. So, who's the bigot?
