As I
write, Homeland Security is about to announce its intentions to circumvent
Congress and install its own immigration policy, to wit: illegal
youth (supposedly limited to some 800,000 youth nationwide at first reports)
will be provided work permits if they meet certain requirements. How many
times and in how many different ways, has Obama told the world that
Congress is no longer a relevant institution? Understand that should this
subversive survive the coming election, he fully intends on ruling
America as if a dictator. Get ready for a serious campaign of civil
David Avelia, President of GOPAC, told Fox News, this
moring (7:30 am pt), that he did not see this decision as a campaign move
on the part of Obama -- which goes to the reason why this blog is
not a Republican blog. When the President of GOPAC (a GOP
fundraising group), has no clue as to what is going on, politically,
well, maybe the patriot nation has already lost the war. Time
will tell, but his statement, for certain, is both
politically moronic in nature and startling out of touch with reality.
the objection to this political move. It is not that good reasons do not
exist for a change in immigration policy.
Rather, it is this
Administration's decision to change the national rules on this matter,
and to do so dictatorially .
Obama is fine with unilateral
decisions and dictatorial conduct, as long as he is the one
making those decisions and carrying out this policy. He could have passed
"comprehensive immigration law" during 2009, 2010, when he had
a compliant Congress fully controlled by his own party, but,
"no," he chose to do other things. And now,
he is attempting to shore up his base, a base weakened because of his failures in
the first two years of his term.
Is this a
political decision? Of course, or it would have been something he
tried to do back in 2009.
I think
it funny in a sad way, that Napolitano, in making a telephone announcement this morning (minutes ago) concerning this matter, mentioned that ours is a "nation
of laws." Pure BS. The practice of Executive Fiat could not be more unAmerican in a criminal way nor more lawless in its very nature.
Obviously, this is a developing story.
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