Hillary and Barack are working to surrender U.S. sovereignty to the United Nations

It is the opinion of this editor  that no “deals” should be made with the United Nations that,  to any degree, limit the individual freedoms of the American people or regulate its commerce.    The fact that this do-nothing institution,  run by an American hating majority,  is still in existence after all these years,  is evidence that the One Worlder’s within this country, are simply bidding their time,  waiting for that day  when it will seem acceptable to move forward with their sense of Globalism.  There is no question,  after nearly four years of Barack Obama and his Secretary of State,  that the radicalized Left wants this country to surrender its sovereignty to others.  Each has expressed their approval of the issues expressed below. 

The American Free Press carries this story [an excerpt]:
Is the Obama administration secretly negotiating treaties with globalist bodies, in violation of the Constitution? That’s the question on the minds of a number of political watchdogs, who argue that the White House is doing an end run around Congress and the American people in order to lock the country into agreements on the environment, fishing rights and even gun ownership with the United Nations (UN)
On Feb. 7, former Bill Clinton campaign manager Dick Morris dissected a host of international “sneaky treaties” that, he says, “Once signed and ratified, have the same status as constitutional law and cannot be altered or eclipsed by Congress or state legislatures. And their provisions must be enforced by U.S. courts.”    

Unless and until the far Left moves us away from our constitutional and congressional processes, as they are want to do,  all the action mentioned in the American Free Press’s article, referenced above,  must be ratified by congress,  but only in the Senate,  by a two-thirds vote.  We have seen the damage down by our compromising Senate,   over the years.  For the time being,  it appears that the Senate is conservative enough,  that these treaty arrangements will not become reality.  

Point of post:  to offer, yet, another reason to rid this country of the radicalized Left.  They are nothing more than parasites,   feeding off 240 years of successful governance,  hoping to use our recent difficulties to convince the Ignorant among us,  that "this system no longer works."  

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