The growing progressive rebellion against Barack Obama.

While the liberal community and the radicalized Left are showing signs of increased disappointment,  they will never prove their rebellion against Obama at the voting booth.  But,  if it becomes clear via late term polling,  that the GOP will keep the House and take over in the Senate,  there is the distinct possibility that these folks will stay away from the polls.  If just 5% of them decide to attend a pot party instead of voting,  Obama will lose the election.  I believe that if Obama wins this election,  he wins by a one or two point margin.  If he loses,  I believe the margin will closer to eight points.  One thing for certain,  the Left cannot afford any defections.  The following headlines and news stories  -  all from the Left - are reasons why Obama is losing confidence in his sole ability to pull off another election miracle.  

Before answering the question,  "Will Obama win the coming election," you need to read the following linked references for the opinion of many who,  once upon a time,  supported the Slickster.  
Update:  add this headline:

How Coverage of Obama's Role in Drone Executions Provokes Liberal Outrage  —  This morning, Chris Hayes did a segment on his show on MSNBC called “Up with Chris” that examined President Barack Obama's reported “kill list,” whether the number of civilians being killed by drones is being hidden … “We have a dictatorship of the Executive Branch of government when it comes to foreign policy,”

Original Text begins here: 

In Forbes, we have a headline story,  Obama Gets Left Behind,  in which the author makes clear as to why Obama is not a progressive:   this article is a  "A thorough going criticism of Obama as a 'progressive'  by a dedicated   Apparently, no one on the far Left believes in Obama as an unqualified progressive and they are not happy with that realization."

Add these articles to the mountain of Leftist protest against Obama:

We have this protest

In an article entitled "Liberals Have Been Betrayed By Barack Obama," 

Right after he got done using liberal support to gain the Democratic presidential nomination, Barack Obama turned his back on us, supporting George W. Bush on government spying and faith-based initiatives, and heaping praise on the death penalty and hand guns.

Liberals see Obama's "contraception" order as a poorly timed,  election year, miscue

And they came as White House officials began hearing complaints from some of their own allies and advisers, who view the rule as a policy mistake that feeds what they see as an unfair charge from Republicans: that President Obama is anti-religion.
As early as December of 2010,  the liberal media was talking about polling data indicating a growing disappointment in Barack Obama: 
Liberals' support for President Barack Obama is dropping, according to a poll that also shows he has not won back independents despite his recent tax-cut deal with Republicans, The New York Times reports. The Marist University poll finds declining approval for Obama among all Democrats and no comparable rise in his standing with the swing voters who supported him in 2008 and deserted his party in November.     Read more at Poll: More Liberals Turning Against Obama 
If you read nothing else,  read the following article by Zuckerman - blog editor.  
He's Done Everything Wrong  --  not my conclusion but the title of an op-ed by a leading national liberal 
In a devastating and comprehensive criticism of Obama,  Mort Zuckerman,  the  editor and chief of US News and World Report (no “right wing nut case” here) report the following:

{Zuckerman wrote]:  Let me tell you what a major leader said to me recently. “We are convinced,” he said, “that he is not strong enough to confront his enemy. We are concerned,” he said “that he is not strong to support his friends.” [end of quote]

I thought this sub text was especially interesting: 

Jan 19, 2010 6:19 PM EST
Obama punted on the economy and reversed the fortunes of the Democrats in 365 days.
                                                                                                                                               I wrote “especially interesting” in view of the fact that  Zuckerman drew his conclusions just one year into Obama’s term.  A careful read of this article makes it clear that Zuckerman believes Obama is the worst thing to happen to his political party in decades.  We happily agree.  


  1. Liberals against Obama because Obama is not liberal. He is a moderate.

    The reality of the political situation is that Republicans have run off the rails and become extreme and obstructionist. This IS the view of a majority of Americans.

    Much of this extremist is caused by fear, ignorance and misperceptions caused by misinformation.

    Now it has been documented by Conservative constitutional scholars that the Republicans ARE the problem. American Enterprise Institute's Norman Ornstein's study affirms the fact...

    Ornstein singles out the filibuster as a large part of the problem, because it is being “used routinely,” even on non-controversial legislation. However, he also pointed to Republicans voting even against their own bills in order to avoid giving President Obama anything that would look like a victory.
    “Problem-solving used to be the name of the game,” he continued. “But problem-solving now — partly it’s the era of the permanent campaign — has taken a back sea to short-term victories.”
    Mann added that any Republicans who were interested in problem-solving have left the party over the years, while those who remain are “vehemently ideological” and consider themselves to be “engaged in a holy war.”

    Ornstein has described the Republican party as:
    “an insurgent outlier … ideologically extreme; contemptuous of the inherited social and economic policy regime; scornful of compromise; unpersuaded by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition.”

  2. "Nonsense" to all of the above. Chris Matthews and Michael Moore have both castigated Obama, on the boob's tube, reminding him [angrily] that "you came from us." The fact that the Left sees him as a traitor to "the cause" is the truth of the matter.

    You seem to think Ornstein is some sort of Conservative, when, in fact he is an Establishment Liberal (as opposed to a radical/Marxist liberal) who partners with folks in the Brookings Institute. Of course he will define Conservatives as extreme and out of touch.

    What I think humorous are the results of the 2010 elections. That is the only poll I care about. Polls that find Americans critical of conservatives are all, without exception, as partisan as "partisan" can get. You know, as well as I do, that the Democrat Party is in big big trouble.

  3. "Polls that find Americans critical of conservatives are all, without exception, as partisan as "partisan" can get. "

    Guess that includes Rasmussen, clearly a right leaning poll:

    52% Say GOP Agenda In Congress Is Extreme
