As the Perfect Storm gathers around the Obama White House, we learn of a near fight between Holder and Axelrod.

 The UK's Telegraph,  is reporting a near fist fight within the White House.  According to the Telegraph:

War in the White House: attorney general Eric Holder and top Obama adviser David Axelrod 'had to be separated'   Eric Holder, Barack Obama's attorney general and David Axelrod, his top political adviser had to be separated after squaring up during a furious row over attempts to impose White House operatives in the justice department.

It seems that the White House,  or some in the White House,  have tired of Eric Holder's many poor decision.  By a popular measure,  he is regarded as among the worst Attorneys General in modern American history;  certainly, he is our most racist as a black AG.

Whatever the reason for the reported confrontation,  the fact of the fight, itself,  is evidence of the pressure felt within the Administration. What has not been reported in the "major media" is the fact of the growing discontent within the "inner circle."     Let's not forget that White House Chief of Staff, Bill Daley,  was quietly ushered out of the White House as a staff member,  apparently promising not talk under after the coming elections.  Rahm Emanuel left his position as Chief of Staff much earlier than expected amid rumors of conflict with Valarie Jarrett and Michelle Obama.  Larry Summers,  Obama's chief economic adviser left the White House after only a year and a half,  in a swirl of complaints implying Obama's abandonment of Summer's advised financial agenda.  Summers was one of only two or three advisors with real world experience within the Administrations.   He had been with Obama since 2007.  

Christina Romer,  another principled financial adviser within Obama's closest circle of "friends,"  quit in disgust,  as well.  We should remember her comments about the downgrade, expressed on the Bill Mahar Show, "We're 'pretty darn f****d'!!"     The clarity of Romer's conclusions as to Obama's agenda have been a near fatal indictment of the Obama Administration's demand for tax increases. Consider the following: 

 In a paper entitled: “The Macrcoeconomic Effects of Tax Changes” published by the prestigious American Economic Review in June 2010 (during her tenure at the White House), she stated: “In short, tax increases appear to have a very large, sustained, and highly significant negative impact on output.”  She came to believe and state that a tax increase of 1% of GDP would reduce GSP output by 3% on average.  Of course,  the Obama people could not afford to keep this woman on staff,  and she was forced out.  A review of some of herthinking can be found at Forbes, here  

Point of post:  to detail personality "issues" within the Obama Administration.  We have all seen a team.  losing late in the game by a substantial margin.  At some point,  "they" know they are going to lose,  and the infighting begins  --  often on the playing field.  

A few months from now,  we might look back to this time and see these Administration issues as predictors of the coming election.  

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