Obama, meeting with the G8 at Camp David encourages those leaders to forego "austerity."

Obama at the G8, this very weekend

<<< Obama and European leadership try to balance utopian fantasies against harsh financial realities.  

(Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama pledged at a summit on Saturday to work with Europe on a package that balances growth with debt reduction as world leaders try to prevent the worsening euro zone crisis from destabilizing the global economy (link)

Reuters quotes our version of a monetary genius (Barack Obama)  as saying,  

"All of us are absolutely committed to making sure that both growth and stability, and fiscal consolidation, are part of an overall package in order to achieve the kind of prosperity for our citizens we all are looking for."

The most obvious flaw in Obama’s thinking is this notion that he and the remaining national leaders in the room,  have the responsibility of package prosperity for the individual citizen.  Understand that when a government “packages” prosperity,  we all are equally poor, and,  more importantly,  without control over our own destinies, financially speaking. 

Make note of the fact that no mention is made of balancing budgets, only balancing "growth with stability."  This is the same rhetorical nonsense Obama spews when he is "home," alone,  with his own economic crisis.  With his philosophy,  he has managed to oversee the slowest economic recovery in American history.    His national economy has lost its AAA rating,  his national debt is, now,  more than the national income  (15.2 trillion GDP versus a debt of 15.6 trillion and growing).  His economic theories have amassed more debt,  during his Administration, than all previous presidents,  combined and,  yes,  that includes George Bush.  

Understand that if Europe gets serious about its spending problems,  Obama's nonsensical financial strategy is "hung out to dry." 
Time will tell if the G8 will buy [back] into his destructive theories.  The most stable economy in Europe is Germany’s and its financial governance is,  at this time,  the most “austere.”  Why that fact has so little meaning in the thinking of Obama and his fellow socialists,  is beyond me.   

Point of post:  to give the reader a brief review of what is being considered at the G8 summit.  Obama is doing his best,  this weekend,  to convince Europe to move away from efforts to balance budgets.  He hopes to convince these leaders that the "gold standard" in a society is the poorest of the poor, that leadership is about packaging prosperity for that individual.  Will his utopian fantasy be attended to,  by the European collective?  All of them,  including Merkel of Germany,  believe in Obama's fantasy as they work to deal with a reality that is much harsher than their dreams.    I hasten to add that Merkel is not so caught up in her sense of idealism that she cannot see the need for fiscal responsibility.  Her views,  in terms of immediate solutions to the European crisis,  is significantly different from that of Obama's  Her country,  by the way,  is the most financially secure of the several communities represented in the G8,  including the U.S.   Her problem is found in the fact that Germany is tied to Europe and Germany's survival, in all this,  stands at the mercies of the larger European population. 

Know this:  in the end,  reality trumps fantasy every single time. 

Understand that when reality is couched in an aggressive uptopian context,  economic destruction is the only outcome.  

Update:  as the G8 morning meetings broke for lunch and an afternoon session, today,  Merkel was seen walking well ahead of Obama, perhaps indicative of her disagreement with Obama as to what is best for Europe at this time.  Again,  she has the same sense of idealism,  but Merkel clearly believes that "social justice" for all comes after a nation comes to terms with its financial realities.  

Understand that when reality is couched in an aggressive uptopian context,  economic destruction is the only outcome.  

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