Gallup reveals a disturbing fact . . . . . . for the Commander and Chief --- his army does not like him all that much.

<<<<< When it comes to the opinion of our military,  the Marine Times is not an aversion, but a representative fact.  

Here is the bad news:  across the board,  in all age groups,  with retired vets and active military,  Obama is not scoring points needed to win the military vote he commands.  And,  the libs at Gallup have no clue as to why.  

First the bad news: 

Vote Preferences: Male Veterans, April-May 2012

Now, the "we don't have a clue" part: 

Gallup writes:  "Why veterans are so strong in their preference for the Republican presidential candidate is not clear. Previous Gallup analysis has suggested that two processes may be at work. Men who serve in the military may become socialized into a more conservative orientation to politics as a result of their service. . . . . . .  " 

Apparently,  the Gallup people don’t following the news.  Over the years,  we have learned that Obama instituted combat policies that are both very unpopular and , worse,  extremely dangerous for our soldiers. 

First,  he decided to withdraw from Iraq without finishing the job.  Time will tell as to the impact of this decision.

In Afghanistan,  Obama has put in place  a capture and release policy.  If captured enemy forces cannot be transferred to approve detention facilities within a 72 hour period,  they must be released.  If our troops are ambushed near a residential area,  they are not permitted to call in air support.  American forces are no longer permitted to interrogate the enemy.  Our soldiers are not permitted to fight “house to house” when the enemy flees the battlefield to hide in nearby homes.  In some cases,  we have  rendered  Miranda Rights.  But, most telling of all,  is the fact that the Command and Chief cannot define “victory,”  when asked,  and has no intentions of winning the war on the battlefield.  In fact,  he is currently trying to secure a “negotiated peace,”  (code for “surrender) as he releases captured Taliban back onto the battlefield. 
And to think,  Gallup does not understand the “why” attached to its survey.  

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