Make no mistake, this election cycle will find Obama's radicalism, front and center. "Hope and change" was all about political revolution - who knew?!

Dr. Derrick Bell's Critical Race Theory pushed
for radical national change that challenged the
the white man's legal and constitutional systems
He died in 2012.  In the truest sense of the work,
Bell was one of Obama's mentors.  
Summary conclusion: The social justice mongers will say,"You did not get a fair shake as a young person growing up. As a result,  we will supply your needs in perpetuity and expect nothing from you except your support at election time."  That has been the message of the New Democrat Party since the days of LBJ.  A Democrat, today,  would never say, "Ask not what your country can do for you" and that is the primary difference between a Democrat and a thinking Republican of the day. 
In the coming months,  you will hear much of Derrick Bell. Here is the beginning of an introduction to this man and his thinking.  His single most important contribution to the political debate is his Critical Race Theory.  In short,  it pushes the belief that the US Constitution is a white man’s document  designed to repress [especially] the black man.  As such,  it ties in perfectly with Louis Farrakhan’s Black Muslim complaint against America,  Jeremiah Wright’s Black Liberation Theology and Van Jones’ social justice agenda as seen in his Occupy movement.  What is common to each of the three intellectual disciplines as of 2012,   is the notion  that the white man is an oppressor  and now is the time to change this. 

In May of 2008,  Michelle Obama said this:  "Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation."

Michelle Obama’s statement  is an outgrowth of the three influences mentioned above.  She and Barack shared in these influences and now see themselves as  “at the center”  for this moment of change.  As you can see,  Michelle Obama is admitting to the Black revolutionist’s theory that the time has come to change from the historicity of a white supremist national consciousness to one that denies societal advancement at the expense of others.  Of course,  this is not the case,  but in this instance,  perception is reality. 

 The following statements from Derrick Bell will not appear to be revolutionary.  In fact,  that is the design of Bell's rhetorical style.  The fact of the matter is this: much of what he says, below,  is much more liberal and raciest that it might first appear.  What follows is a grouping of Dr. Bell's more famous quotes with an accompanying editorial opinion/rebuttal.  

“We live in a system that espouses merit, equality, and a level playing field, but exalts those with wealth, power, and celebrity, however gained.” 
― Derrick BellEthical Ambition: Living a Life of Meaning and Worth

In other words, the system that espouses merit and a “level” playing field,  hates the fact that people actually succeed  using such demographics.  In the end,  folks like Obama and Derrick Bell hate people who are more successful than they are. 

 “However self-sufficient we may fancy ourselves, we exist only in relation -- to our friend, family, and life partners; to those we teach and mentor; to our co-workers, neighbors, strangers; and even to forces we cannot fully conceive of, let alone define. In many ways, we are our relationships.” 
― Derrick BellEthical Ambition: Living a Life of Meaning and Worth

While “no man is an island,”  individual success is more often than not,  the result of individual initiative and risk taking.  Initiative,  creativity,  risk taking, resiliency,  resolve and determination  -  these are individual provisions that make success,  in whatever category, a personal possession.  Understand that “opportunity” is the only thing that is equally shared,  in the American free market experiment.  To be critical of “self-sufficiency” within the intended context implicit in Dr. Bell’s state,  is to overplay the point.  Indeed,  no one is “self-sufficient,”  but that does not mean that one who qualifies himself for success owes another,  a loafer and party hound (for example),  anything but a second chance. 

 “Power in the hands of the reformer is no less potentially corrupting than in the hands of the oppressor.” 
― Derrick BellEthical Ambition: Living a Life of Meaning and Worth

Precisely !!  “Power,” whatever that means to Derrick Bell,  can be abused without regard to the state of one’s calling.  Our response to this rather obvious conclusion is this,  “Duh !!”

 “Courage is a decision you make to act in a way that works through your own fear for the greater good as opposed to pure self-interest. Courage means putting at risk your immediate self-interest for what you believe is right.” 
― Derrick BellEthical Ambition: Living a Life of Meaning and Worth

Some say that "courage is a fearless reaction to a threat to self or others in need of help."   In the face of danger,  courage,  more often than not,  can be defined as “faking fearlessness” as one overcomes personal risk.  Most "hero's" will tell you that perceived "courage" does not exclude fear in  accomplishing the task or rescue. My brother,  a WWII survivor, once told me,  "If afraid,  fake it !!  No one will be able to tell the difference." While none of this disagrees with Bell,  we wonder by this quote has survived.  It appears to be no great revelation,  a kind of a "Duh !!!" moment in time,  no?!  

“A rule without exceptions is an instrument capable of doing mischief to the innocent and bringing grief -- as well as injustice -- to those who should gain exemptions from the rule's functioning.” 

The problem,  here, is this: the social justice crowd makes the determination as to applied “exemptions”  and,  in so doing,  becomes the ruler of a society,  not an equal participant as the Marxist Misfits among us pretend. More than that,  this statement allows for an excuse to the rule of "personal responsibility."  The social justice mongers will say,"You did not get a fair shake as a young person growing up. As a result,  we will supply your needs in perpetuity and expect nothing from you except your support at election time."  That has been the message of the New Democrat Party since the days of LBJ.  A Democrat, today,  would never say, "Ask not what your country can do for you" and that is the primary difference between a Democrat and a thinking Republican of the day. 

 “Resistance is a powerful motivator precisely because it enables us to fulfill our longing to achieve our goals while letting us boldly recognize and name the obstacles to those achievements.” 

Resistance accomplishes nothing,  however,  when it is the product of structure chaos as characterized by the Occupy nonsense.   It only feeds into the scheme of those who would pretend to be partners of the resistance.  In the end,  there will always be the bourgeoisie (the "rich") and the proliterate (the rest of you peasants)

End Notes:   
The six quotes, above,  taken from GoodReads.
 A related article appearing on a Left leaning blog is this: