Condemned Christain Pastor: Obama has a chance to prove his Christian credentials, but ignores the opportunity as a Iranian Christian is about to die for his faith

Update (2/28/2012) Pastor Nadarkhani is still alive (9:20 am pst)

The Daily Caller is reporting that a fellow Christian, one who is guilty of only being faithful to his belief in Jesus Christ,  has lost his appeal before the Iranian state's high court and, now, faces death, perhaps,  within hours. Christians are being killed in many places within the influence of the Muslim World.  This is in accordance with the Law of Shira.  This event has played itself out,  while Obama is apologizing for NATO troops who burned several copies of the Koran.  Once again,  Obama fails the test as to his personal dedication to Christianity,  a spineless leader more concerned with appeasement than principle,   a coward through and through.  --   blog editor

Daily Caller:  A trial court located in the Gilan Province of Iran has sentenced Christian pastor Yousef Nadarkhani to death for the crime of converting from Islam to Christianity.
In 2009, Nadarkhani, 34 and father of two, was arrested and charged with rape and extortion by the Iranian government, Fox News reported.
Tiffany Barrans, international legal director of the American Center for Law and Justice, told The Daily Caller that death sentences are common in the Islamic republic for those who fall away from the Muslim faith.
“The Iranian Supreme Court upheld that the proper sentence for an apostate that refuses to recant is death,” Barrans said.
Nadarkhani has spent 863 days in jail.
The ACLJ has already proven that the rape and extortion charges were false: An Iranian Supreme Court ruling has stated the only charge brought against Nadarkhani was apostasy. Documents from Iran’s Supreme Court are not available to the public, but Barrans’ organization obtained a copy and translated it.
After several attempts to force the Christian pastoer to renounce his faith, the Iranian Supreme Court ordered the Gilan trial court to hear his case. That court gave him a death sentenced — which in Iran is typically carried out on the gallows.

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