Here is what it looks like to be flagged - maybe not (see comments)

Understand that I really don't mind being flagged.  At least someone is reading my blog !!    We all know that Big Brother is watching.  The lead-in to my comments  included the phrase    " . . . . he still won't be my president."  My point in the article was this:  Obama has never tried to be my president and after he gets re-elected,  should that result be the case,  he will not be my president by his own admission.  Anyway,  folks who care about the safety of Obama, no doubt,  are concerned by such commentary.  

When I copied the Google search result and that little man in the margin,  the image did not copy over,  so have taken this picture of the page

Obama plans on ignoring the white working class as a strategy for ...
Nov 27, 2011 – Obama plans on ignoring the white working class as a strategy for getting re-elected. If true, and if re-elected, he still won't be my president.
From your Google Reader subscriptions

Here is the Google search results for "Obama ignores white working class workers:" 


  1. You should maybe look into what that little man means. Its actually personalized google results. Meaning that google is showing you search results that are relevant to your search history.

  2. Ah, another conspiracy theory down the tubes. Actually, I did try to find out. Give me a little credit, will ya. Why do you think I posted the picture? And, I was flagged -- only, if I believe you, for the good. I work at this about 10 hours a day and the little man was the first in four years of doing research. Besides, I was shut down once before making me, forever, the conspiratorialist.
