TEA Party never had a demonstration this small or this blond.

  Yes, there were 800 Occupiers in New York, this morning but only one in Urbandale,  Iowa,  "occupying" the Bachmann campaign offices.  This whole "Occupy" nonsense is little more than a media scam.  At no time has Occupy entertained more than 50,000, world wide;  no more than 20,000 in the US at the height of the "movement."  Today?  If I asserted "no more than 4,000,"  no one would be able to prove me wrong.  
Heck,  in 2010,  the TEA Party had more than 7 million show up for its demonstrations.  If anyone reading this blog,  thinks the TEA Party has died,  well,  by mid summer,  that opinion will have been silenced.  Here in Fresno, California,  we have 600 attending our monthly business meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . all "under the radar."  

Update: there is a second demonstrator at Urbandale.  He is laying on the ground wearing a
clowns mask. That's about it for Occupy.  The "movement" is wholly without direction except for its hatred of all things traditional.  And to think that Van Jones is trying to organize them into a third party !!   


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