Proof that Bush was not the big spender some claim him to be. See our chart.

I harp on this, fairly often.  Obama and the Deceiving Democrats love to talk about the Bush Years,  
"Eight years of failed economic policy."

Simply put,  such talk is nonsense,  at best,  and lies at worst.  The Bush economy ran 52 months of  "plus"  GDP growth . . . . that's 52 consecutive months of economic growth, an American record for such numbers.  Not even Clinton had this success.   Unemployment averaged 5.2% INCLUDING 2008,  the first year of the recession, according to the Democrat theorists.  The Dems often misrepresent the Bush record regarding "jobs created,"  claiming that he created only 3 million jobs in the eight years he served as president.  But how can that be?  The workforce grew by 16 million people from 2001 to 2008 while unemployment remained at or around 4.6% during all that time except for 2008.  Why didn't unemployment increase by 16 million during the Bush years?  Because these folks were finding jobs.  In fact, the work force reached a record high of 138.5 million Americans in 2004.  Today,  with millions more in population count,  the workforce has shrunk to 125.5 million !!!  But OF COURSE,  the workforce has not “shrunk.”  This is nothing short of lies and damn lies, pure and simple.  And the chart below,  using numbers from the Office of Budget and Management (OMB) shows that Bush was not the big spender many claim him to be,  if viewed from a GDP angle.  Only Obama can claim that title. 

Understand that the numbers mentioned above are not as simply interpreted as I have indicated.  There is no misuse,  but questions arise that I will not take the time to answer. Just understand that you cannot have a growing economy without job creation.  It is impossible.  Our economy is measured in "Gross National Product."  You cannot produce more and more product without creating more and more jobs. Again,  it is simply impossible. 

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