The NLRB - a government agency that is pro-union and is used by Obama to favor unionizing enterprises.

Now that Obama has his goons in place on the NLRB, via the recess process (just two weeks ago), we have these two shocking pro-union decisions.  

NLRB will, now,  require private,  non-union employers to surrender names, addresses and e-mials of their employees to local union entities.  

NLRB will, now,  require or allow for "ambush unionizing elections."  This gives the employers less time to plan for and debate potential unionization.

Understand that Obama has done nothing for the private sector,  non-union workforce and they total the vast majority of the nation's laborers. 

When he talks about " improved wages for all,"  or  " jobs that offer security and a sense of respectable employment,"  he is only talking about union jobs.  

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