Prefatory: This is not as "dated" an issue as you might think. The Palin speech is just now, back in the news, with the passing of recent legislation funding our national defense concerns.
Todd Harrison, a fellow with the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, said other factors set the U.S. apart.
"In absolute dollars, we spend almost as much as all other countries combined," Harrison said. "So saying we are 25th is a bit misleading and a selective use of facts."
We agree. Although she's technically correct, the numbers are wildly skewed by tiny, non-industrialized countries. We find her claim Barely True.
"In absolute dollars, we spend almost as much as all other countries combined," Harrison said. "So saying we are 25th is a bit misleading and a selective use of facts."
We agree. Although she's technically correct, the numbers are wildly skewed by tiny, non-industrialized countries. We find her claim Barely True.
And there you have it. If those facts are true, and they are, how could Sarah be cprrect? PolitiFact's complaint is not with Sarah Palin but their writers want you to believe differently. If there is a legitimate complaint with Palin’s facts, it is with the CIA document, The CIA World Fact Book.
Understand that if you were to total all of military spending, world wide, we, the United States of America, spend 45% of that total. The CIA, not Sarah Palin, measured military spending against GDP. We spend less than 5% of our Gross National Product on National Defense. Turns out there are 24 other nations that spend more of their GPD on defense than we.
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