Why we can no longer afford to "like" the New Democrat agenda. Gallup thinks Democrats don't "like" Newt. We put that preference in its historical context . . . and it an't good.

I find this story a bit humorous.  From Gallup’s own site,  we have this crack reporting revelation: 

December 22, 2011
Gallup Editor-in-Chief Frank Newport reveals that while Newt Gingrich garners one of the highest Positive Intensity Scores from Republicans of any of the GOP presidential candidates, the former speaker of the house receives one of the lowest scores from Democrats.

My question is this:  does any patriot care what or who democrats “like?”  The past three years have made it crystal clear that the Democrat’s only agenda is the destruction of the “present world order”  we all know as America, replaced with a European version of the New World Order that allows our president to function apart from and without the consent of the governed or its representative congress;  a nation that refuses to believe that we are at war with anyone;  a country that officially rejects any notion of divine intervention or national exceptionalism; a nation that robs from the rich and gives to the irresponsible;  a country that no longer cares about the American experiment that was borne of the American Revolution.    

Understand that we are being over-run by a leach mentality,  one that sees wisdom in foreign philosophies stealing away the hopes and dreams of the established majority,  much as an external enemy would plot and plan for the physical demise of this nation. Nothing expresses this "leach mentality," of which I speak,  more than this 2008 campaign statement made by Michelle Obama:  

"Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation."

Can we compromise with the opposition as expressed in her statement?  Understand that there have been  liberals and conservatives,  statists and federalists,  from the beginning of our representative democracy.  Compromise is a vital part of our historicity with regard to this conflict in ideas. 

But there are those among us who no longer care about the boundaries of our nation or the value of our democratic contribution to the larger and enslaved world. With the expressed opinion that is the Michelle Obama quote,  we have a new enemy.  These One Worlder's  now live in our country, occupy part of our congress and pretend to be “us."   We know who they are (finally) and can no longer compromise with them.    

While none of us want a fight,  the Obama quote above,  cannot be tolerated in the slightest.  It is a declaration of war,  not from the traditional Left,  but from those who have their philosophical roots outside our borders.  

Understand this: if you only use the Constitution  to justify your forward political motion and reject its [constitutional]  prohibitions and legislative limitations, in principle,  you are not an American patriot.  You are the enemy.  There is nothing in the Michelle Obama statement that fits into the historical matrix of this Great Nation.  Absolutely nothing.    

Be aware. 

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