Michael Moore: 'Wall Street Has Their Man and His Name is Barack Obama'.... Obama has raised more money from Wall Street than all of the principles in the GOP primary including the National Committee combined. This ignorant doughboy (left and I do mean Left) actually thought Obama was anything but another political opportunist.
Like we said, Obama only pretended to oppose the Wall Street fat cats. He pretended to want GITMO closed. He promised to get ALL troops out Iraq/Afghanistan by the end of 2009 (oh !! yes he did). He pretended to oppose the torture of POW's as he continued the Bush policy of rendition. He reaffirmed the Patriot Act and made it even more intrusive. He was going to change the debate on global warming. He was going to empower the unions with card check legislation. He was going to pass comprehensive immigration by the end of his "first year" in office; and could have, but, chose to do something else. He was going to advance a green economy; instead, he has made a mess of this agenda. He has not advanced education as promised. He has no jobs agenda in place except for the anecdotal bridge repair, here, and weather stripping job there. He was going to “restart” the relationships between this country and Russia, Iran and Venezuela. His Cairo speech “to the Muslim world,” had absolutely no follow up and pundits like Moore know it. His plans to rescue housing have been a demonstrable failure as was cash for clunkers and his investment in electric golf carts -- did you forget this -- free carts via tax reimbursements? A local fellow, here in my region, bought eight of golf carts.
Moore joins the ranks of Matt Damon, John Stewart, Ophra, Barbara Streisand, Robert Redford and a number of black supporters who have all expressed deep disappointment in their new found hero, Barack Obama. Now you know why.
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