Trump took his ball and went somewhere else to play. I gots to tell you, his butt looks better than his face. It means he is gone and I like that look.

ABC News’ Michael Falcone reports:

Donald Trump is officially a man without a party.

The real estate mogul whose flirtation with the 2012 presidential race has never really ended despite announcing seven months ago he would not seek the Republican nomination has been signaling he wants to find other ways onto a presidential ticket.

Trump took another step in that direction on Thursday, switching his party affiliation from Republican to “unaffiliated,” according to a source close to the reality television star.

According to the source, he did so because he is “disgusted” with the way Republicans are handling matters in Washington, including the recent payroll tax cut deal. But the move also sets Trump up for a potential third-party run for president — a possibility he began talking about almost as soon as he told his fans in May he wasn’t running. . . . . end of the ABC report.

Now,  a little reality.  This ignorant is no more qualified to run this country than the man he claims to despise and,  he certainly is not qualified to run as a Conservative member of the GOP.   Trump is all blow and no show,  and most of us know this.  He quit the GOP because no one took him seriously,  especially with regard to his bid to host a debate.  

Understand that this over stuffed clown thought it a good idea to host a debate and,  sometime afterward,  decide if he,  himself,  should run.  He actually saw nothing wrong with that scenario.  

What if  Rick Perry decided to host a debate.  He would  craft the questions and determine who answers what.  Anyone think that is a workable idea?  Take Perry out of the equation and plug in fat boy and,  wala,  Trump thinks he has a winner.  And when his potential opponents said "no,"  this knot-head got all offended.  

So now,  he is going to run "online"  as a third party candidate.  I can't even tell you how stupid this sounds.  I hope he does.  And if a single person from the TEA Party movement thinks this a good idea,  I will leave  that movement as fast you can say "gone."  

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