Obama rapes the Social Security Fund and reduces your total investment into that fund and all you say is, "Thank you Master?!!"

"Understand that this 40 dollar is money that the worker will not be paying into Social Security.  And,  that worker will be taxed on this added income.  This whole thing is such a scam.  How stupid are we,  as a citizenry?"  -  Words from our post.   

In the afternoon, the President will continue to urge House Republicans to do what’s right for the American people by allowing a vote on the short term bipartisan compromise passed by almost the entire Senate.  If Congress fails to extend the payroll tax cut, the typical family making $50,000 a year will have about $40 less to spend or save with each paycheck.  – from the White House.

News flash:  the typical family of four earning $50,000 a year wastes four times that 40 bucks Obama is whining about. They waste it.    And this particular 40 dollars is the money they pay into Social Security.  20, 30, 40 years from now,  they will have less retirement investments to draw on because of the idiocy of this stranger in our White House.  Understand that this 40 dollar is money that the worker will not be paying into Social Security.  And,  that worker will be taxed on this added income.  This whole thing is such a scam.  How stupid are we,  as a citizenry?  

Too bad Obama doesn’t give a care about the damage he is causing to this nation’s finances.  He has already raped the Medicare fund of half a trillion dollars to fund ObamaCare.    
Few folks seem to care.

 And this current push for the votes will cost the Social Security “trust” fund 300 billion dollars.  He is going to take a third of a trillion dollars out of an exhausted fund for the sake of winning an election.  He has been in office for three years,  without a plan to balance the national budget,  

Understand that it is cruelly simple minded to touted out people you care nothing about,  do the bleeding heart thing,  and then continue to decimate the future for us all.  

Related Midknight Review article:  http://jds-midknightreview.blogspot.com/2011/12/gop-is-not-big-loser-media-wants-you-to.html


  1. You can remain in denial all you want. 20+ polls taken on the tax issue side with Obama.


    The strongly right leaning Rasmussen poll has Obama at 49% today.

    Your GOP primary is a clown show. Ron Paul is the front runner in Iowa ... heh.

    All you have is hate for the president and obstruction. The American people are sick of it. Your class of 2010 House teabaggers are doing nothing but dragging the GOP down and boosting the president in the latest standoff. McCain and Corker have both stated that fact.


    Happy holiday. You're losing.

    Republicans cave....

    Obama wins again.
